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Please answer keeping in mind following basic points in regards to standard Global Business Industry...... 1) EHS, 2) Compliances and 3) Audits.....
Gentlemen flourscent mercury light bulbs and tubes should be crushed/disposed as per HSE standards as mercury should be neutralised with a chemical reaction as this an active cancerous element.....
Remove light bulbs that are not in working condition. Authorized employees removing bulbs should read the Job Hazard Analysis regarding bulb removal and cleanup before handling any bulbs. Carefully place light bulb in box for storage. The model number of the bulb and the bulb length (example T8 /32 watt /4 ft.) should be documented on each box. Do not mix different model bulbs and lengths in the same storage box. Place a work order for Facility Management to have bulbs removed and disposed of through contracted services. The Facility Management administrative assistant will schedule pickup. Bulbs will be picked up by the contractor and taken to a recycling center. A recycling certificate can be obtained by contacting the facility management department.
Thank you for the Info...appreciated ....would like to know what your contractor does after Crushing them ? Also I would like to know if your Organization gets any financial benefits in that entire process ?