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How do I create a basic Android chat app using Android Studio and what is an appropriate starting point to do so?

Question added by Micheal Norris , Full Stack Developer , Developers India
Date Posted: 2021/07/14
Glenn Sparks
by Glenn Sparks , Full Stack Developer , Web deveo

…See more

Android Studio is an integrated development environment (IDE) that serves as a platform to integrate multiple systems in one environment for Android mobile app, tablet app, android wear app, and Android TV.

So definitely you can create an android chat app in Android studio and now coming to where do we start the development of the chat app.


Steps to start a chat app development

1. Find the problem that needs to be solved

Every startup thrives on this one aspect for building a successful business i.e. solve a problem. There can be many reasons you might be considering developing a chat app such as a unique idea regarding chatting, banned popular chat apps like Whatsapp at your desired location, improvement in the present popular chat app.

So try to find a problem that the majority of the users face with the present popular chat apps and work on the solution offering with your chat app.

2. Generate Ideas for the solution to the Problem

Once you have found a problem that needs a solution the next step is to start generating ideas to solve that problem. The idea generation stage should be able to get a large number of ideas from the team building the chat app.

After listing the ideas it should be evaluated against their effectiveness, complexity, development time, and cost of development. Find the one that stands apart from this quantitative analysis.

3. Hire Professionals to start the development process

Once you are done deciding on the idea you would like to implement in your app, the next step is to share that idea and hire the best professional chat app development agency that can bring that idea into reality.

Before hiring the professional chat app development agency you should look into their past experience, portfolio, customer review, development team location, and cost of development offered.

4. Decide on each feature and the technology stack required in developing a chat app

Once you have hired a professional development agency most of the work from there on would be handled by them but before letting them start the development process you should decide on each feature that the agency thinks is necessary for a chat app development.

The features decided will help in finalizing the technology stack required in a chat app development. The most successful backend technology stack for a chat app can be referred below


5. Launch the App

A good development team will help in building a chat app that has all the requirements fulfilled for the user. After the development, the project manager might ask you to verify your requirements for the app developed and on the approval for launch will move to the final launching of the app.

After the launch of the app, it is the responsibility of the marketing team to promote the app for its USP and achieve good user growth.

Hope the answer has helped you in finding a better way to launch the chat app build in android studio.

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