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What is more efficient, Working for 6 hours or working for 8 hours and why?

Question added by nagham Jehad , Senior Information Architecture , Quality Professionals
Date Posted: 2021/09/29
remjun  ignacio
by remjun ignacio , Visual Merchandiser , M. A. Al Abdul Karim & Co | شركة العبدالكريم التجارية

the 8 hour day is still the norm for the majority of workers. I personally believe this approach is both antiquated and unproductive, The 8-hour workday is an outdated and effective approach to work. If you want to be as productive as possible

8hours and above would be more better

6 hour's because if technological skills do need for smooth working experience more productive

i m labour and we work 14+

abdalluh sobhy abdalhakim Sobhy
by abdalluh sobhy abdalhakim Sobhy , صنيعي , مصنع الحريه

14 hours in the today Very good

aleamal limadih 6 saeat li'ana alnashat yakun nshytaan qad yakun 'iintajuh 'akthar kafa'a

Hello, for the employees it's always 6 hours wherever it was, but it depends on the salary for 6 hours and the salary for 8, but to work 6 hours it's more efficient it gives more space and productivity.

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