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How to use Ajax on separate Jquery file in .Net Core MVC ?

AJax doesn't work If not included in .CSHTML file. I would like to include Ajax in .JS file in .Net MVC.

Question added by FARHAN AHMAD , Software Trainer , eBusiness Software
Date Posted: 2022/10/08

To use Ajax in a separate jQuery file in a .NET Core MVC application, you can follow these steps:


1- Create a new jQuery file: First, create a new jQuery file in your project and add the necessary code to make an Ajax request. For example:

$(document).ready(function () {


        type: "GET",

        url: "/Home/GetData",

        success: function (data) {

            // code to handle the response data





2- Link the jQuery file in your view: Next, link the jQuery file in your view using the script tag. For example:

<script src="~/path/to/jquery.js"></script>

3- Add a controller action to handle the Ajax request: In your .NET Core MVC application, add a controller action to handle the Ajax request made by the jQuery file. This action should return the data that you want to send back to the client. For example:

public class HomeController : Controller



    public JsonResult GetData()


        // retrieve data from the database or other source

        var data = // data retrieved from the database

        return Json(data);




4- Test the Ajax request: Finally, test the Ajax request by running the application and verifying that the data is returned as expected.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions.


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