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There are three type liabilities 1- Current Liabilities: 2- Long Term Liabilities 3- Contigent Liabilities ?

Question added by Sami Khan , IT Manager , Health Department KP
Date Posted: 2023/07/30
jawad akhtar
by jawad akhtar , Accounts Manager , Ch. Muhammad Munir & Sons (Pvt)Limited

Current Liabilities

Long Term Liabilties

Contigent Liabilities

Abbas Shaikh
by Abbas Shaikh , Warehouse in charge ,Inventory controller , Emirates pride

Liabilities can be broadly categorized into two main types:

  1. Current Liabilities: These are short-term obligations that a company or individual is expected to settle within one year. Examples include short-term loans, accounts payable, and accrued expenses.

  2. Non-current Liabilities: Also known as long-term liabilities, these are obligations that extend beyond one year. Examples include long-term loans, bonds, and deferred tax liabilities.

Mohammed omer khan
by Mohammed omer khan , Accountant , kashish designer

1. Current Liabilities – Obligations which are payable within 12 months or within the operating cycle of a business are known as current liabilities. They are short-term liabilities usually arisen out of business activities. Examples of current liabilities are trade creditors, bills payable, outstanding expenses, bank overdraft etc.

2. Non-current or Fixed Liabilities – Second among types of liabilities is non-current or fixed liabilities; they are long-term obligations of a business and are not payable within a year or an accounting period. They are generally used for the purchase of fixed assets. For example, long-term loans, bonds payable, debentures, etc.

3. Contingent liabilities – are those liabilities that may or may not be incurred by a business depending on the outcome of a future occurrence. In case the occurrence does not happen, an organization is not

Fahad Khurshid
by Fahad Khurshid , Lab Attendant (Administrative Staff) , The Islamia University of Bahawalpur

No, Liabilities are classified into two types;

  1. Current liabilities 
  2. Long-term current liabilities or non-current liabilities 

Muhammad Usman
by Muhammad Usman , Restaurent manager , Burgers Den

Current Liabilities

Non-current Liabilities (Long-term Liabilities)

Liabilities can also be further categorized based on their nature or source, such as:

Financial Liabilities

Operating Liabilities

Contingent Liabilities

Deepu Bhujel
by Deepu Bhujel , Junior Accountant-Trainee , Letronics Led Lights Pvt. Ltd.

Short term liabilities: For the short term liability or debt should be payable within one year is known as  Short Term Liability.

Long term liabilities and Contingent Liability:  for the long term liability the payable term is more than a one financial year.

Contigent Liability: its means the liability which could be occur depending on outcome of future event.

Hazratullaj jabarkhail
by Hazratullaj jabarkhail , finance manager , kabul complex curative hospital.

Short time liabilities: that company must pay during one year.

Long term liabilities: is the liabilities that a compnay must pay in long term ( more than one year).

Contigent liabilities: that is depend on the company future outcome

Leen Salamoun
by Leen Salamoun , محاسبة مستودعات , القيادة المركزية

الالتزامات المتداولة (قصيرة الأجل) , والالتزامات غير متداولة ( طويلة ومتوسطة الأجل)

khaled eltaweel

1- Current liabilities :- are a company's short-term financial obligations that are due within one year or a normal operating cycle (e.g. accounts payable).
2- Long-term (non-current) liabilities are obligations listed on the balance sheet not due for more than a year

Chamal Alwis
by Chamal Alwis , Finance Executive , The Elixir Clinic - Sri Lanka

Current liabilities are debts and obligations that a company needs to settle within a year or its operating cycle. They include amounts owed to suppliers, short-term loans, accrued expenses, and other financial obligations due in the near term.

Non-current liabilities, also known as long-term liabilities, are financial obligations that are not expected to be settled within the normal operating cycle of a business, typically extending beyond one year. They represent long-term financial commitments that a company owes to creditors or other parties.

Contingent Liabilities: Potential liabilities dependent on the outcome of future events, such as lawsuits or warranties.

Mary Ann Llave

Accounts payable, notes payable, accrued expenses, long-term debt, deferred revenue, unearned revenue, contingent liabilities, lease obligations, pension liabilities, and income taxes payable are the ten types of liabilities in accounting that provide information about a company's financial obligations.


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