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The observers noted that the maintenance team one of the projects working height without protective helmets or safety ropes what to do? your opinion?

one .business interruption and scold them2-forget about it for the working speed and time3-orders them to wear cords and helmets and slowing delivery4-punish by deducting salary to laikrro mistake in future5-steps up to help them complete the work so fast?

Question added by Deleted user
Date Posted: 2013/11/21
Deleted user
by Deleted user

must ask him to put his PPE, and speak with the supervisor  and know why he didn't make sure that all the team put their PPE, and get ropes when they are on the scafolding.

and he must know  what was discussed in the tool box talks, because it is compulsory to talk about  safety

محمد صالح بن جحلان
by محمد صالح بن جحلان , إدارة العلاقات الحكومية والميناء , مؤسسة إنجاز الفنار للمقاولات والتشغيل والصيانة

Must adhere to safety standards for the benefit of all parties. It is an important item in the projects.

Ashraf Alsinglawi
by Ashraf Alsinglawi , Medical Supply Chain Planner , International Committee of the Red Cross

I'll not continue this  project without applynig safety standards.

by HANNA SABA , Team Leader (Administrative Support), including translation, editing, and writing , Deloitte

Nothing is more precious than the life of people. I would difinitely interrupt the work, and ask them to resume work after they have put the safety ropes in place and put on their protective helmets. Doing this would help prevent loss of life and the otherwise future lawsuits and liabilities against the company. Additionally, this would discipline employees, and send a strong message to them that no work can be carryied out unless all safety measures and precautions have been put in place. Later on, I would meet with them and raise their awareness as to the importance of  following the safety rules. Of course, repeated action or misconduct warrants a disciplinary act on the part of management.   

Mohammad Tohamy Hussein Hussein
by Mohammad Tohamy Hussein Hussein , Chief Executive Officer & ERP Architect , Egyptian Software Group

I will stop operations and resolve the issue as soon as possible.

The point here is that we should not get to that stage. Work should not start if it is not safe and team members should be trained tnot to perform any activity without ensuring their personal safety.

David Kruger
by David Kruger , Executive Director , Intrepid Consulting

It goes without saying that On Job Safety & Security is paramount. No work may be permitted to continue without adequate safety precautions

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