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These are the terms normally used in projects planning.
Total Float :- In any given network path, the flexibility of the scheduled is measured by the duration limit that a schedule activity can be delayed from its early start (ES), without delaying the Project Finish Date or violating the schedule constraint.
Free Float:- The amount of time that a schedule activity can be delayed without delaying the early start (ES) date of any successor or violating a schedule constraint.
Total float is defined as the number of units an activity can be delayed without affecting the project finish date. Float is measured in hour, day, week or month depending on the planning unit.
On the critical path total float is either zero or negative.
Float can be positive or negative. For example if an activity has +10 days total float, the start of that activity can be delayed by10 days & the project will still finish in time.
Where as free float is defined as the number of units the start of an activity can be delayed without delaying the start of successor activity. In other words when an activity has many predecessor activities, the predecessor activities will have free floats. Free float can never be negative.
In free float, you lag/delay the time of an activity however it does not affect the other activity(ies) and you need not to communicate others, so such a float which does not affect others is free float. Total float or float are one of the same things.
Thank you Karim Nawaz for your valuable question.
The Total float and the Free float are two major factors that play an important role in the adjustment and management of the project activities relationships , networking and duration..
The Total Float is precisely can be considered as the time duration that the Early start (ES) of an activity can be delayed and does not affect the final finish date of the project without any violation of any constraints or conditions of the general schedule of the project.
The Free Float can be considered as the time duration that the Early Start (ES) of an activity can be delayed without affecting the Early Start of the successor activities and without voilation of any constraints or conditions of the general schedule of the project.
Thank you
Best regards
Eng. Ali Harin
Free float means the amount of time delay in successive activities.
Total float means the amount of time delay in schedule project completion date.
free float means time activity can be delayed without delaying the successor activity.
total float means time activity can be delayed without delaying the project end date.
I wrote an article to explain What is the difference between Total Float and Free Float in Primavera P6.
Kindly read it here