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What is IP address?

Do you agree IP is responsible for determining whether a packet is for the local network ? What is subnet mask ?

Question added by Subhranshu Ganguly , Quality Analyst. , WIPRO
Date Posted: 2013/12/13
عبدالله بدرالدين عبدالله علي مسمار
by عبدالله بدرالدين عبدالله علي مسمار , مدخل بيانات وسكرتير القطاع التقني ومهندس الصيانة. , شعبة الحرفيين والصناعات الصغير بالخرطوم الصحافة

iP address is short for Internet Protocol (IPaddress.

An IP address is an identifier for a computer or device on a TCP/IP network. Networks using the TCP/IP protocol route messages based on the IP address of the destination.

Akram Naeem
by Akram Naeem , Technical Support , AMSI

in short terms the IP is your logical address in the network, the IP is like PO box which you use to send or receive emails from other people in your neighbourhood(your network) or outside it (remote networks)

Sajjad Ali
by Sajjad Ali , PA to Chief Commissioner , Information Commission

Its a unique logical identity number of a pc to connect or identify , within or between different networks...

Mohammad Shuman
by Mohammad Shuman , Senior IT Infrastructure Engineer , Risk

IP address us set of numbers separated by dots that identifies a machine on a network

Mohammad Saad
by Mohammad Saad , Senior Consultant , Deloitte - Saudi Arabia

I don't mean to sound sarcastic, but you know that there a a tiny little cool search box called Google, right!

Md Atiqur Rahman shohel
by Md Atiqur Rahman shohel , Officer , R B Group

IP address stands for Inernet Protocal. Use for uniquly identify a network device.


Rostom El Baz
by Rostom El Baz , ICT-Project Engineer , Alghanim International

Dear Subhranshu Ganguly,                               ,

Greetings, IP is the ticket that allows your network devices (PC, router , switch, server, IP cam, ...etc. ) to interconnect with each other and to connect with outside network range. Connect means sending and receiving data. This ticket (i.e. IP) of course has different classes and version. for.0.0.1 is considered class A and version4 function as responsible for internet connectivity checking.


Simple answer hope it was useful.

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