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What are the main stages of the research process?

Question added by yousef almohor , مدرس , وزارة التربية والتعليم
Date Posted: 2013/12/25
علي حسيب صديق الحيالي
by علي حسيب صديق الحيالي , معلم , مدرسة الماس الاهلية

  1. preface
  2. body
  3. conclusions
  4. refernces
  5. index

Ahmed Gendy
by Ahmed Gendy , General supervisor , Al Jodair

Here are the steps in a simple way.I can offer help if you need any point to get further explanation

·                            STEP1: IDENTIFY AND DEVELOP YOUR TOPIC:


SUMMARY: State your topic as a question. For example, if you are interested in finding out about the energy consumption of household lighting, you might pose the question, "What is the annual electrical energy consumed by household lighting in the U.S.?" Identify the main concepts or keywords in your question.

·                            STEP2: FIND BACKGROUND INFORMATION:


SUMMARY: Look up your keywords in the indexes to subject encyclopedias. Read articles in these encyclopedias to set the context for your research. Note any relevant items in the bibliographies at the end of the encyclopedia articles. Additional background information may be found in your lecture notes, textbooks, and reserve readings.

·                            STEP3: USE CATALOGS TO FIND BOOKS AND MEDIA:


SUMMARY: Use keyword searching for a narrow or complex search topic. Use subject searching for a broad subject. Print or write down the citation (author, title,etc.) and the location information (call number and library). Note the circulation status. When you pull the book from the shelf, scan the bibliography for additional sources. Watch for book-length bibliographies and annual reviews on your subject; they list citations to hundreds of books and articles in one subject area. Check the standard subject subheading "--BIBLIOGRAPHIES," or titles beginning with Annual Review of... in CAMEO, the Carnegie Mellon electronic catalog.

·                            STEP4: USE INDEXES TO FIND PERIODICAL ARTICLES:


SUMMARY: Use periodical indexes and abstracts to find citations to articles. The indexes and abstracts may be in print or computer-based formats or both. Choose the indexes and format best suited to your particular topic; ask at the reference desk if you need help figuring out which index and format will be best. You can find periodical articles by the article author, title, or keyword by using the periodical indexes on the Libraries homepage: If the full text is not linked in the index you are using, write down the citation from the index and search for the title of the periodical in CAMEO. The catalog lists the print, microform, and electronic versions of periodicals at CMU.

·                            STEP5: FIND INTERNET RESOURCES:


SUMMARY: Use search engines (see:

·                            STEP6: EVALUATE WHAT YOU FIND:


SUMMARY: See How to Analyze Information Sources Critically( for suggestions on evaluating the authority and quality of the books and articles you located. If you have found too many or too few sources, you may need to narrow or broaden your topic. Check with a reference librarian or your instructor.

·                            STEP7: CITE WHAT YOU FIND USING A STANDARD FORMAT:



SUMMARY: Give credit where credit is due; cite your sources. Citing or documenting the sources used in your research serves two purposes, it gives proper credit to the authors of the materials used, and it allows those who are reading your work to duplicate your research and locate the sources that you have listed as references.


Ahmed Said Mahmoud Attalah Attalla
by Ahmed Said Mahmoud Attalah Attalla , Senior master , Ministry of Education. Egypt

Research is a word easy to said but not easy to be done in a perfect way , tyring because we really need to get many sources for the topic we need to talk about.

we need first to get many sources may be books or magazines.

We need to talk talk in an easy way to be known and spread in a lot of sites .

make an introuction of what is going to be said,

the aim of what u want to talk about

the effect of that topic

the advantages and disadvantages

the evealuation and if there were any experiments of that on your wotk or the environment

the conclusion and your outline , your point of view is wanted to be declared too


Haitham Mostafa Mohammed Abd Allateef
by Haitham Mostafa Mohammed Abd Allateef , American Education , Smart City International Schools

On the level of schools:

1- Before the project 

2- During

3- After and feed back

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