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When the manager retreats in his decisions; will that enhances his position in the administration and increases the respect of his staff?

Question added by Deleted user
Date Posted: 2014/01/29
Hassan Salha
by Hassan Salha , Public Relations Manager (PR Manager) , Gulf Total Tractebel Power Company GTTPC

The best way to correct your mistake is: admit it, apologize and correct it. Doing so you gain the respect of others.

Mohammad Tohamy Hussein Hussein
by Mohammad Tohamy Hussein Hussein , Chief Executive Officer & ERP Architect , Egyptian Software Group

That will be the case if he/she replace erroneous decisions with correct ones. If this is explained, I think all parties will respect it.

Zaman Khan
by Zaman Khan , Manager Administration , Alhuda International Welfare Foundation

I think it impact on both sides, for staff and vice versa. To  be decisive in decision making the manager may respect for any staff member to retreat his decision.

Mamdouh Manie
by Mamdouh Manie , Executive HRC local sales manager , Ezzsteel

retreat is only when situation changes and his decision may cause more problems then  solve problems


we live in a  fast changing word

stubborness  and arrogance without any thinking may cause disasters

Huda Baloum
by Huda Baloum , Administration Supervisor , Jordan Golden Jewel Co.

It is the best choice to retreat bad decisions as early as possible.  This works in both life and work and for a normal staff member or manager.  This leads to respect such person and feel safe dealing with them.

Muhammad Moeen Bhatti
by Muhammad Moeen Bhatti , Cluster Incharge , Premier DLC - A project of Beaconhouse Group

I agree with  Mamdouh Manie's Answer


Ahmed Gendy
by Ahmed Gendy , General supervisor , Al Jodair

I think that managers mustn't get back on their decisions  and they must be decisive except when there is a big problem.If employees got used to the changeable decisions , they won' feel safe and relaxed as they expect that what they will achieve will be changed.I have heard a rule saying that "you must continue even if you were wrong"

what should be done in advance is that managers sit with their staff to exchange opinions and they agree together on one decision that can't be changed.

asmaa salim
by asmaa salim , Senior Administration and Human Resource , Bahrawy Consultant Group "BCG"

i think it must be especially if he/she discovered that his/her decision was wrongbut in the same time it should be in cleaver way as:according to last year statics that i had received yesterday, we can retreatregarding discussion with General Manager we shouldnt take this action now, we will delegate it for6 months and things like that.



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