A new business = a product no one has ever heard of before. So I guess you have 2 options here: 1) you either target the mass market with TV or radio ads, or 2) cater to a niche market (if applicable) through dedicated magazine ads for example. You can also make use of the custom ads on Facebook and target the demographic of your choice.
- Have a portfolio of work readily available for potential customers to look at quickly - keeps interest and strengthens move to potential business/sale and referrals onto more customers. People always know someone who needs your type of business or is interested in the product you want to sell.
- People like to have something tangible to look at, they want to know what they are spending their hard earned money on. If they like it, chances are someone else will like it.
It is not so much a feature in this part of the world but the business card/services offered advertised in shop windows is a goldmine. Do not underestimate the power of the window shopper. They may not be looking for anything in particular, but a business card in a shop window could be just the business or purchase that person is looking for.
Old fashion ways still have their place, e.g. Word of mouth, networking with other businesses, using business cards. - At the same time look at online advertising. Online flooded with adverts for new business so advert will have to stand out or will get missed amongst the competition.
No offense to anyone. But these answers lack CREATIVITY!!!!
Marketing is an art. It's not just about emails and paper ads. It's about creating a memorable experience for the customer. Ask yourself this question... "How will they remember me?"
A big mistake I see many companies make in their marketing strategies is appearing as publicity. People are annoyed by mass e-mails (spam), flyers, annoying radio ads, which they probably don't listen to. You don't want to appear as publicity. You want to appear as news.
You DON'T want to give the impression, especially as a new business, that you're like EVERYONE ELSE.
So how do you appear as news rather than publicity? A friend of mine decided to open a gym. His marketing strategy was like everyone else's. He really thought passing out flyers would bring him customers. It's costly and highly ineffective. So I gave him some advice. I told him to gather some of his gym equipment and 10 volunteers. I told him to perform one of his workouts at the EXTREMELY crowded food court located in a nearby shopping center. I told him to add a surprise factor by performing the workout routine like it was a flash mob. We picked 1 pm. Lunch time. A time when the food court is at its highest capacity. The clock struck 1pm and his 10 volunteers ran from all directions, surprising everyone, to the middle of the food court and started working out. The surprise factor got everyone's attention. He also had someone taking pictures and another filming. At the end of the workout routine he set up a table with flyers and a contact sheet. He had hundreds of people visiting that table eager to find out what he was selling. He took the video and pictures and uploaded them on YouTube, Facebook, etc. He also had a story published in the local news paper. He spent 0 dollars on the event.
It's been over 3 years and the gym is operating at a profit.
Be shocking. Create an experience. Do something that will remain in the customer's mind for longer than they can find a trash can to toss that flyer you gave them.
What better way to make an introduction than by creating a spectacle?
before choosing any advertising medium you have to first draw result from peoples trend....mean on which medium they rely more....say eg. in specific area people listen more to radio ,so radio may be the good source of advertising.
some areas paper so before starting you have to draw result from people taste
This also goes back to the golden question, "Where is your target audience?"
When you figure out where your target audience are then you know the best advertising medium for your business. Good luck! :)
Advertising is an important ingrediant in the busiiness from the very beginning. Advertisement is needed to teach and promote your products and services to the intedned people who need it more. Visual media has an everlasting impact in the advertised products in the minds of people. All other media, such as, priint, digital, hand outs etc. also play a vital role. So try all the media that is available to you for the grwoth of your business.
M.K.Balakrishnan, PR expert and marketing guru
You first have to consider the following:
- you have to consider focusing on, what is your product and how to target it.
- Determine your target market (Age, location, language,interest).
- Determining your marketing channel & tools.
- An awareness campaign that aims to show people what is your product and explain to them what it can benefit them.
Print Media Is The Best Always For a New Business... Then Follows an Email Campaign then ads etc...
Of Course It Depends On The Business Type But This Methods Never Fails :)