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Kindly mention one or max two each.
There is not target to achieve so enjoy
At last not data for analysis so enjoy
Difficult to allocation of funds
Difficult to take any decision
Not proplery plans for contingency's.
High risk for allocating funds where they shouldn't be.
Less time and moiney spent on budget allocating.
Best for seasonal and highly uncertain industry.
+vesFreewheeling opportunisam,Flexibility in execution for desired results,Varitey of alternate business plans can be incorporated.
-vesEconomic benefits can not be quantified.Lack of goal orientation lack of motivation.
+it will not limit the growth of the co. up to the budget
+it is just like a ruber stamp approach because many co.s not follow budget properlly so waste of time&cost
-nobody will be ready to take any responsibility at failiur.
-target will not set so organisation achievement will be a question for employees.