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What You Do , Look At Description ?

Just Because You Are Good At Making Report Your Manager Give You All Work , Refused Your Vacation Because He Need You And The Company Can't Raise Your Salary

Question added by Mohammed Kalache , Asistant Category Manager , Starbucks Middle East & Africa ( Alshaya )
Date Posted: 2014/03/23
Vahid Hamzabegovic
by Vahid Hamzabegovic , Senior Business Development Manager in B2B Department , CANCOM GmbH

I would talked to the manager and I would explain him that due to a lower level of concentration caused by fatigue, there is a possibility to make some mistake in reporting, which, of course, you would not like to happen. Each manager will understand the real risk of burnout at work, if he, as you wrote in the question, considers you as irreplaceable .

Subhranshu Ganguly
by Subhranshu Ganguly , Quality Analyst. , WIPRO

I do understand your situation. You must be good in excel. Take this oppertunity to get a promotion. When the report you make go to managers highup you are well known . Use this oppertunity. Also if the pressure is too heavy teach others excel . Delegate the less important jobs to your co-workers. You will earn their respect.

Deleted user
by Deleted user

You should get paid for extra work hour simply

Deleted user
by Deleted user

Can't do it..Vacation  is mine

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