salam joubeili , food safety team leader+quality control , ALDayaa Products
There is many problems that face cancer patient under treatment :
-gastrointestinal disease : vomiting and nausea .reflux , and he becomes with less apetit
- feel tired and depressed .becomes moody and stressed
-he has fast heart beats can be the cause of cardiac disease
-and some side effects like itching of skin and yellowish of face and redness in eyes .....
The solution as a dietitian
Stop all kind of saturated fat and fried cooking and increase the unsaturated the nuts specially and the vegetables containing lipid like tomato
Omega3 and all suplements like calcium zinc and folic acid , vitamin B12
Specially to protect skulls and iron to help blood circulation to be in a good level and prevent from cardiac crisis
-do a lot of physical activity and exercises and to take tours in th fields for fresh air help the pulmonary cavities(lungs)
-stop alcohol and smoking in all their kinds to protect the liver
-don't over be exposed to sunlight