Mohamed Yousuf , Purchase Manager , Majan Printing & Packaging Company LLC
When you are jealous, it’s because you see the other person through your own self-centered lens. These lens identify the other person as a threat and instigate the “self-doubt” mechanism. This all feels terrible.
The solution is to take away the self-centered lens. How? By learning more about the other person. Seriously, if you do feel jealous, then study the other person. What are they saying, what do they believe in, what is their story, what are their fears, hopes, and dreams.
By learning more about them you start seeing that person more as who actually they are and less as you first perceived them through your self-centered lens. The result? Jealousy is no longer there, because it’s just not…relevant any more. You realize you have nothing to fear. The other person is just someone normal, with hopes and fears, and not the god/goddess you imagined they are at first. Their success no longer seems intimidating. On the contrary, you may find it inspiring!
And what a great shift to experience…from jealousy to inspiration
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Akbar Bakhshmand , Production / Business Analysis , Saipa Corp
the jealousy prevents the progress and promotion. the way of progress and promotion goes through always learning from others (sharing your knowledge) and well behavior. where the jealous person loses to have a good behavior and share his knowledge with others.
Morever one thinks about progress rationally she goes far from jealousy.