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by IRPHAN GHANI , Senior Management , A

Always remember the ALMIGHTY and that the blessed life is worth to do good to please HIM.

Pray for others to help them believe in the same.

Deleted user
by Deleted user

Ego is difficult to tame and if one has an inflated ego, it needs a phenominal reality check to let him/her return back to this earth. They may need a whip :), just joking.

However, consciously being humble and understanding that there are always people who are better than him/her are definitely step in the right direction. A person with inflated ego may end up alientaing people and may have difficulty in finding happiness and love.

Khatim Abbas Seed
by Khatim Abbas Seed , BUSINESS CONSULTANT , Google

Very nice question, Bader & indeed thoughts stirring.


Ego is very difficult to tame, for I believe it often leads a life of its own based on our reactions to the actions of our surroundings & environment. Ego in itself is no problem; it is merely a defense mechanism that can get out of hand (becomes inflated), harming the "ego-carrier" and his/her surroundings. I can only answer in view of my own life experience with people with inflated ego's: ego truly is a beast, an animal with "instincts" to satisfy (as opposed to emotions). Try to put your ego in the right environment in order to tame it OR cultivate self-awareness when you are in the "wrong environments". Taming our emotions, thoughts, words & actions begins and starts with "self-awareness".


Try to test this: place yourself in an environment of rational, sober, down-to-earth, realistic, humble, encouraging, positive, healthy-minded, intelligent people who care more for substance and less for appearance and you will have less "ego-problems", since you'll see that they themselves have no such problems. Now move to a different environment were ego and appearances rule & determine any & everything around you, you will notice that your ego, instinctively, will rise in rebellion, revolt & "adaptation". Off course some people have a constant & lasting "inflated ego" problem as a result of inner complexes that have nothing to do with their environment, but more with lasing insecurities.

fahad albakmi
by fahad albakmi , مستشار إداري / اقتصادي , رواد بلا حدود

Seek knowledge  constantly  increases more and more humility

Abdul Rehman Zaheer
by Abdul Rehman Zaheer , Marketing & Projects Specialist , King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals

Taming our Ego revolves around the motivation to regulate the self. It depends upon if the person really and strongly wants to measure up to some clear honorable Standard. High level of willpower is required. Restraining selfishness is necessary and helpful for social connection and acceptance which is a central drive tied to the most basic of our needs. (As such survivability, reproduction etc)

Abdel Fattah Ibrahim
by Abdel Fattah Ibrahim , CDT Director , Colgate Palmolive


We all have one. Some of ours are bigger than others, some are more realistic. We are born free of one, yet as we develop in our childhood, we grow one quickly. We rarely set ours aside for others, but expect others to set theirs aside for ours. It drives our physical appearance and our mental state. It is the source of much of our material success


Here below some inconvenient truths about person in relation to work:


·         You are not as important as you think you are at work. While people need you, rely on you and think you do great work, if you were not at work, someone else would be doing your job. Apple is still a very successful company without Steve Jobs. Every four to eight years we still get a new president. Life will always go on, even without us.


  • Other people are just as smart, if not smarter, than you. You do not need to solve every problem, create every new product or have the best idea in the meeting. In fact, the more you allow others to share their knowledge and ideas, the more others can contribute to getting the work done. More minds -- better product.
  • Your boss/client doesn't always need you to answer their question -- they just need someone who can answer the question. The important thing to your boss/client is that the question gets answered or the problem gets solved, not who answers or solves.
  • Asking others to complete work that you cannot do is not a sign of weakness. In fact, it's the sign of a well-developed leader who understands their limitations of time and brain capacity.
  • You will be remembered for the impact that you made in this world to your family, friends and environment, not how much work you got done.
  • Being too busy does not make you important. In fact, being too busy makes you annoying and useless to those who really want or need your time.
  • Spending time telling other people how busy you are is a waste of time -- yours and theirs.
  • Bragging about how much vacation time you have left over at the end of the year says more about your priorities than it does your importance.


Amrut Desai
by Amrut Desai , former Managing Director & Country Manager India & SriLanka , Hohenstein India Pvt Ltd-fully owned by Hohenstein Institute GmbH Germany

How you can learn to tame the ego ??

Dear Bader Mustafa

This is another one of your thought provoking  and difficult questions . Bear with me for my lack of knowledge on this contentious subject. I agree with the answers provided by most our fellow members. However, I have compiled the following answer for you after doing a bit of study to understand  EGO.

In layman’s terms one can define ego as pride about oneself. Thoughts such as my body and mind, my intellect, my life, my wealth, my wife and children, I should acquire happiness, etc. arise from ego alone.

Great Scientist and Philosopher Albert Einstein said that EGO=1/ knowledge

“More the Knowledge lesser the ego, Lesser the Knowledge more the ego ”

Deepak Chopra  MD  Founder of the Chopra Foundation USA said the following while analyzing how he overcame ego. I wish to quote the following


 “In India the right way for a person to go is known as their Dharma, and "right" means that the whole universe is organizing your way forward. To many people this sounds like a mystical idea, and yet all of us can say, at one time or another, that things turned out in an unexpected way beyond our control. The biggest obstacle to finding your Dharma is ego.

The ego stumbles to stay connected to a person's Dharma. You have to learn that your biggest allies along the way are instinct, intuition, staying true to yourself, standing up for your truth, and self-awareness. Your adversaries are naked ambition, blind competitiveness, self-importance, a craving for status, and following second-hand opinions as if they are your truth.

Most people are divided between their allies and their adversaries – I certainly was, and must confess still am, when I find myself in moments of struggle. The ego is a permanent part of the self, and a valuable one. But when it decides to run the show, your inner world becomes distorted. You start to live according to an image you want to protect rather than searching for the connecting thread – the Dharma – that subtly unites every moment of our life. What I learned from my career train wreck was to trust my allies, and as the years passed, one of them – self-awareness – became the ally I could rely on the most, no matter whether I was going through hard times or times of great fulfillment.




As shared by DR.Chopra, to be able to tame ego I believe the first step is to be come self aware!

As per the science of Spirituality, our true state of existence is identification with the Soul or God-principle within us and living our day to day life with this consciousness. As the one and same God-principle exists within all, from a spiritual perspective there is unity in all Creation.

However, depending on the level of our ego, we identify with the God-principle within us, i.e. the Soul to varying degrees. If our ego is high, we identify less with the Soul or the God-principle within us.

Sri Sri Ravishankar  of Art Of Living Foundation advises as follows

“Ego is just a feeling of having a wall between you and others. There is no wall. You belong to me and I belong to you. You are accepted the way you are.

Naturalness is the antidote for you. Be spontaneous! Ego cannot stand spontaneity. Ego wants to present everything properly and prepare beforehand. Children are so spontaneous. They make mistakes. Never mind making mistakes. Just be like a child. Anybody can say anything about you.”


Attaraction Institute recommends the following steps to overcome ego

Step1: Identify

The Ego is a little difficult for most people to identify. The literature identifies arrogance, stubbornness, fear of judgement, fear of failure, amongst others. All of these elements have one core element in common: they only occur when you’re dependent on the external environment to feel the way you want to feel.

When you rely on the other people’s perceptions to feel good, then you’re going to fear judgement, you’re going to fear failure, you’re going to fight to prove a point that you know is wrong, and you’re going to try and blame others for your situation in life.

This is what’s at the core of the Ego: being dependent on the external environment to feel the way you want to feel.


Step2: Understand

You don’t just do this out of habit. There’s a reason you’re fighting and struggling to make the external environment give you what you want:

You currently don’t have what you want.

You currently don’t feel the way you want to feel.

If you felt satisfied, fulfilled, happy, and complete, you wouldn’t be relying on anything to make you feel the way you want to feel.

It’s only because you don’t feel the way you want to that your Ego is even rearing it’s head.

Think about it:

If you felt deeply connected to people around you, would you really care what other people’s opinions were?

If you felt powerfulstrong, and free, would you really care if you didn’t get the exact outcome you wanted?

There’s only one reason that your Ego is sticking it’s head into your business and that’s because you don’t feel the way you want to.

The way to overcome your ego for good is to feel the way you want to feel so the Ego becomes unnecessary.

When you feel the way you want to feel, you’ll stop needing anything from the world around you. Simple.


Step3: Transform

If the ego is the part of yourself that relies on the external environment to feel the way you want to feel, and it only occurs because you don’t currently feel the way you want to feel, then what do you do?

The way to overcome the Ego and all it’s inherent limitations is to find a way to feel the way you want to feel, that doesn’t rely on the external environment.

When you can feel the way you want to feel, regardless of what’s going on around you, then you won’t have to deal with the symptoms of the Ego because it simply won’t exist.

By doing this, you remove the foundation of the ego, thus making it vanish.


I sincerely hope the above helps. Good luck



Ahmed Fathy
by Ahmed Fathy , General Manager + EBRD International Adviser , RUBEX for Metal Industries

sorry i cant answer this question

zafar abbas minhas
by zafar abbas minhas , Freelance Writer , DAILY MASHRAQ


Fazal Ebrahim Dawood
by Fazal Ebrahim Dawood , Chief Executive Officer , Stardist Ltd

By simply reminding myself everyday that It was EGO that changed one of the greatest Angel into a Devil 

mohamed sabeen
by mohamed sabeen , QHSE Manager , Novus catering service

Thinking of others first.

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