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Any body can advice me , how to let website visitors register on your website? how you can make them register ?

Question added by mohammed al shareif , Team Leader , Beecell
Date Posted: 2014/04/23
Khatim Abbas Seed
by Khatim Abbas Seed , BUSINESS CONSULTANT , Google

Hi Mohammed,

You can’t "make them register", but you can persuade (or call upon) them to do so. Some ideas:


  1. Add a visually clear & attractive call-to-action button, text or image to your website or given page (better on website main navigation menu, irrespective of page)
  2. Make sure to explain why register? (commenting, profile creating, socializing, newsletter receiving, ordering, viewing or paying bills etc.)
  3. Use a so-called floating button (like the one you see on this page for social sharing) enticing them to register, irrespective of their navigation behaviour without making it too annoying. (ask web designer to add such a code) 
  4. Incorporate call-to-action messages in your emailing, email signature, thank you pages etc.
  5. Promote your registration page (if you have it separately) separately from your main index page on SEO using content & the right keywords.


Maalik Muhamed
by Maalik Muhamed , Deputy Mill Manager , AZANIA GROUP OF COMPANYS

try inviting people through facebook, find facebook groups and pages that matches your website requirement then invite them


Muhammad Majid Saleem
by Muhammad Majid Saleem , Senior PHP Developer / Project Manager , SwaamTech

I am not sure what do you want to ask about user registration on your website. I think your question has2 different aspects:

1. You want to develop registration process to let them get registered on your website.

2. You have your website built in wordpress, durpal, joomla or any other opensource and you just want to enable registration process on your website.


If your question is related to1st part, you have to follow steps written by @Khatim Abbas Seed.

If your question if related to2nd part, you need tell the opensource / cms your website is using and then I will be able to anwer in correct way.

Deleted user
by Deleted user

Khatim Abbas already mention all important points one option is you can limit some additional feature for Registered users only but its only work when you're content is attractive and value for user or you can offer some incentive to registered users.


Also Try to make registration and login process as much simple as possible , you can use Single Sign On (SSO) as most users avoid to maintain multiple user id's

Mohamed Goneam
by Mohamed Goneam , Marketing Acquisitions , Sleep High

Hi Dear,To make visitors register on your site you should give them something, for example; update, offer, new service, etc...also block some content on your site to make visitors register to view this content.Regards,

Talha Qamar
by Talha Qamar , Android developer , Nerd Developers

Well there are actually two methods.1. Register by using email accounts.(Fresh Signup)2. Register by using social plugins.Pros and Cons of both ways1.1.Register by using email accounts.(Fresh Signup) Currently this method is not mostly followed now a days.This part of registering requires more user's input and time.So user is frustrated by entering information in long forms etc.Check this link.2. Register by using social pluginsEvery social networking site provides a plugin.Which you can easily integrate in your site.User may login thorough that and you will get the user's profile pic,name,age,email etc and save in your site's DB for your use.This method is the best.It requires less time for all the process.User just have to click the signin button and enter's the info that's it.Check this link for login using facebook

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