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A Team Leader has to assign a complete database based website to his team. As a Team Leader how many members would you select & how you assign tasks.

Complete website means, database design, web design, web development, hosting and finalizing. (It's easy to answer a question that is easily searchable over internet. Try some brain storming here)

Question added by Jasim Ahmed , Technical and Engineering Lead ,
Date Posted: 2013/06/16
by THIKRALLAH SHREAH , Technical Team Leader ,

Nice question, I think most important pieces are missing in your question, generally speaking:
1- Deadline.
Close dates meand more resorces (UI + Developers)2-Traffic size.
high traffic means dedicated Design/Architect Engineer.3-Cost.
low cost, means less developers4-Business requirements.Complex requirements require more development + more QA.5-SEO.
Require SEO specialist.
If you wish to brainstorm you need to provide real time scenario.

Muhammad Majid Saleem
by Muhammad Majid Saleem , Senior PHP Developer / Project Manager , SwaamTech

I am sharing my work stratergies below:


- No. of members in a team will depends on project volume and allocated time for that project.

- I will split project into different sub modules and will prioritize them.

- I will assign modules as per their priority set.

- I will allocate a deadline to each module.

- I will show a demo to client after every20% completion of project. It will save time to close project soon. You may get feedback from client while working on rest modules so you may fix raised bugs in next demo.


Note: Ofcourse I will keep some time margin between delivery to client and completion of project.


Shivani Sharma
by Shivani Sharma , Manager , none

Hi - depending on the length, duration, cost of the database, roles and responsibilities can be assigned, every database need some User Interface, than development at a large scale, than testing of it,if we have more time less people are required if we need to deliver it urgently, so more people are can be decided only once we have project report in our hands, it is not something that can be answered here....

Syed Faraz Hashmi
by Syed Faraz Hashmi , Sr. Programmer / DBA , Saudi German Hospital

If we are talking about Team Leader role here, then I think Cost should not be the worry of the team leader, as it must be dealt with at upper level (if we are talking about proper project management hierarchy).
But yes, Size of the project and Time-Lines are yet to be considered by a team leader.
So, if we are not talking about any particular scenario, generally, a database based website could have following possible size + timeline combinations:
1- Small Size + Practically calculated timelines (I wish to see such time lines) a.1 Developer (Development + QA + Database) +1 Web Designer
2- Medium Size + Practically calculated timelines a.1-2 Developer (Development + Database + QA (if no QA Engr.)) +1 Web Designer + Optionally1 QA Engineer
3- Large Size + Practically calculated timelines a.2-3 Developer (Development) +1 Web Designer +1 DBA +1 QA Engineer
4- Small Size + Short Time Lines a.
Opt for the combination of member in point #2 (Medium Size + Practical timelines)
5- Medium Size + Short Time Lines a.
Opt for the combination of member in point #3 (Large Size + Practical timelines)
6- Large Size + Short Time Lines a.
Put everything you need into it.
It is your call now.
as your manager has given you the project with worst situation.
Now ask him to provide AT LEAST the number of resources, with which you can provide the project on given time line.
But still, there are no fixed criteria.
What if you have a “Small Size + Practical Time Lines” project and your manager asks you to not to disturb the Web Designer, as he/she is on another more important task or on leave, and you’ll have to use the only available developer’s expertise on web designing as well.
or your Boss has asked you to add a QA Engineer as well in this team, as he doesn’t want to have a single bug, even in the first prototype (perfect world scenario).

Sajjad Ali
by Sajjad Ali , Supervisor , Bagel n shake

Coming for first is to plan what sort of websites do you need1)E-Commerce website2)Dynamic website take around3 member for developing font end and2 for back-end process.

Raza Hussain Rajpar
by Raza Hussain Rajpar , Manager , DMS Research Pvt Ltd

good question: But something missing.
- A compelete database based website - # of Resources ? - # of Tasks ? Both resources and tasks varies with the duration (time limit), size (complex), cost of Project resources are inversely proportional to duration (time limit) means more time less resource & less time more resources.
Both are directly proportional to size (complex) of projects; less complex less resources & tasks and more complex means more resources & tasks similarly less cost mean less resources & more cost means more resources

Mohammed Omer Javed
by Mohammed Omer Javed , Quality Health Safety And Environment Associate Manager , Saudi Constructioneers Ltd.

As a Team Leader, I'd carefully assess the project requirements, considering factors like scope, complexity, and deadline. I would select team members based on their skills and expertise, ensuring a well-rounded group with skills in design, development, and database management. Task assignment would depend on individual strengths, with clear roles and responsibilities, regular check-ins, and collaboration to ensure the successful development and deployment of the database-based website

molton mogorosi
by molton mogorosi , Head Waiter , SUN CITY

this is how i will allocate my stratage.

- Number of members in a team will depends on project volume and allocated time for that project.

- I will split project into different sub modules and will prioritize them.

- I will assign modules as per their priority set.

- I will allocate a deadline to each module.

- I will show a demo to client after every10% completion of project. It will save time to close project soon. You may get feedback from client while working on rest modules so you may fix raised bugs in next demo.


Fredy Makram Labib
by Fredy Makram Labib , R&D manager , Universal for home appliances

This depends on the folowing:

1- The main targets of the team.

2- The strategy and vision of the company.

3- The skills required in the team work to reach the target and the vision.

4- Time and due date to achieve the targets.

Mariyam Farzand
by Mariyam Farzand , English Teacher , Samanabad College Lahore Pakistan

As a Team Leader, the number of members I would select for the database-based website project depends on various factors such as the project's complexity, timeline, and the skills and experience of team members. Generally, for a project of this nature, I would aim to assemble a team with diverse skill sets, including developers, designers, and possibly database administrators.

Once the team is formed, I would conduct a kickoff meeting to discuss the project objectives, scope, and timeline. During this meeting, I would assign specific tasks based on each team member's expertise and strengths. For example, developers would be responsible for building the backend functionality and integrating the database, designers would focus on user interface and experience design, and database administrators would handle database management and optimization tasks.

To ensure smooth coordination and collaboration, I would establish clear communication channels, set regular progress checkpoints, and encourage open dialogue among team members. Additionally, I would regularly monitor progress, provide support and guidance as needed, and adjust task assignments or deadlines if necessary to ensure the project stays on track towards successful completion.

by TANSEER HUSSAIN , Divisional Field Manager , SAMI Pharmaceuticals

When assigning tasks to team members, it's crucial to consider two main factors:

  1. Skills and Competencies: Assess the skills, competencies, and expertise of each team member. Match tasks to individuals who have the necessary skills to complete them effectively and efficiently. Consider their past performance and experience in similar tasks. Assigning tasks based on skillsets ensures that the work is completed to a high standard and reduces the likelihood of errors or delays.
  2. Workload and Capacity: Take into account the current workload and capacity of each team member. Avoid overloading individuals who are already heavily engaged with other tasks or projects. Balancing the workload ensures that team members can manage their responsibilities effectively without feeling overwhelmed.

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