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What method of  treatment for an accounting problem in  case of the absence of the standard applies?

Question added by Rashad Moursi , Financial and Administrative Officer & international Business Transformer, Hotel Owner Reprs. , Investment and financial
Date Posted: 2014/05/09
by SHAIKH MOHAMMED BASHEER AHMED SHAIKH , Account Manager , Tarik Al Zahid Holding Company

In the absence of a Standard or an Interpretation to a particular problem or a transaction, manageent can use or practice the judgement in considering and coinciding with an accounting policy whcih should have the relevent and reliable information -. [IAS8.10].

And the judgement should coincide with and have an applicability of :

- similar and related issues to the guidance of IASB standard and interpretation.

- and the assets, liabilites, income and expenss concept should be within the frame work of  IAS8.11.

Management may also consider the recent anouncements of other standard-setting bodies that use a similar framework concepts to develop accounting standards, other accounting literature and accepted industrial practices to the extent that these do not conflict with the sources-IAS8.12.

ashraf ismail
by ashraf ismail , Financial Mnager , confedentail

in the absnce of ifrs or ias use sence in accounting wise try to use your judgment , plosable relation ship ie casue and effect and go back and search for neture of the event which account it will hit

Asad zaman
by Asad zaman , Audit/Finance , Rafaqat Baber and co

management judgement and look at the current standards for certain criteria

Rashad Moursi
by Rashad Moursi , Financial and Administrative Officer & international Business Transformer, Hotel Owner Reprs. , Investment and financial


Given that the international accounting standards (IAS, IFRS) do not cover all accounting problems faced by accountants in all kind activities, in  case of the absence of a standard, the accountant should strives to find an accounting treatment commensurate with the conceptual framework of the Financial Accounting Standards, the concepts of accounting measurement as well as the accounting policies of the company, that leads to;   

  • Put an end to the diligence of accountants in cases it's  not covered by the standard.
  • Increase confidence in the company financial statements.




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