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Are teachers paid the same as other professionals, Doctors, Managers etc?

If not, should they be?

Question added by Deleted user
Date Posted: 2014/05/29
Shagufta Zafar
by Shagufta Zafar , Principal , Allied School

no,, they are less paid.

Chassie Selouane
by Chassie Selouane , Ajyal International School Aramco (Al Maarif Education) Academic Director EEO (Executive Education O , Maarif Education

Unfortunantely teachers are not paid very well. In some parts of the world teachers are living in poverty. The center for poverty research says that the average family of5 in the US would be living in poverty at30k dollars a year. In the US after taxes the average teacher salary is32k a year. This is only2k difference from poverty level. 

Teachers should be paid the same as Doctors and other professions considered important.  This is attitude that is taken in Finnland. Teachers in Finnland make more than doctors and students who are the best of the best are encouraged to become teachers. 

This attitude of teachers being important leaders in society needs to catch on in all parts of the world for teacher pay to improve. Teachers are the ones responsible for inspiring and training the future generations so of course they should be compensated well. The reality is teachers are often over looked in the monetary compensation but are rewarded greatly in non monetary compensation. As a teacher I have the opportunity to make a difference and encourage the future generations.

Ahmed Gendy
by Ahmed Gendy , General supervisor , Al Jodair

In some midle east countries , goernment  teachers are at the end of the list as they are considered consumers not producers and this is a mistake of course.

Abd alwahab Alqaramseh
by Abd alwahab Alqaramseh , Material Section Head , CEGCO

I don't think they are paid fairly, especially those who work in the private sector, perhaps because they make up a large proportion of society, but I do not think that's a compelling reason for not equity

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