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Experience is the main resource for adult learning, What is your opinion?

Question added by Saiful Islam Hiron , Site HR Manager , Handicap International
Date Posted: 2014/06/08
Tomasz Modrzejewski
by Tomasz Modrzejewski , Python Developer , Freelancer

The changes taking place in contemporary reality meant that before the graduates of higher education, there are new requirements, they must constantly adapt to the new conditions, as well as create them. Graduates are faced with the need to solve new problems still. There is a need for such preparation of graduates to enable them to continual replenishment and enrichment of knowledge, development of necessary new skills, develop cognitive abilities, interests, problem solving, active participation in social and cultural life and the creation of value. Contemporary graduate graduating college education does not end, is guaranteed the opportunity to continue learning. In this paper will be presented in a synthetic way the genesis and development of continuing education, its main assumptions and their implications for self-education. Continuing Education - the genesis and developmentThe term continuing education is not new. The idea of ​​lifelong learning can already read in the works of Plato. In the twentieth century it took on special meaning. For the first time in full was formulated in1929 by Basil Yeaxlee, which together with Eduard Lindeman has established a scientific basis for a broad understanding of the issues, treating them as an essential element of the accompanying man in his everyday life. They have established in this way, the idea of ​​permanent education of the French and the British and North American experience. In the document The1919 Report, published in1919, the authors Albert Mansfield, RH Tawley and B. Yeaxlee state that education can not be understood only as a luxury for a small group of selected, or also can not be the only content of early childhood. Adult education is a constant national need, regardless of nationality and origin citizens, why should not speak about education emphasizing its universal dimension and a lifelong. Eduard Lindeman today in the classic to the contemporary understanding of education book, The Importance of adult education (The Meaning of Adult Education) concluded the basic thesis of adult education. According to the first of them - all life is learning, therefore education should not end. The author has established a new quality in education - adult education, explaining that the name did not refer only to the education of people in the relevant age. The name "adult education" refers to such concepts as adulthood and maturity, which does not contain an age limit (as children), because adult education within the meaning of E. Lindeman has no age limit and it is his lifelong process. In another thesis author described the area of ​​education, according to which education should not be limited only to learn the profession _ continuing education begins where vocational training ends. E. Lindeman also believed that the training program should be designed around the needs and interests of the student. The last thesis concerned the indication of the sources of the highest values ​​of adult education, which was to be a learning experience, and education was based on a common action and thinking. Think E. Lindeman on adult education developed B. Yeaxlee in his book Lifelong Education (Lifelong Education) in1929. He believed that the foundations of adult education is the education of young people. Adult education author treated as an inseparable part of a normal human life, emphasizing a certain regularity - that life was intense, strong and creative, it must be kept under control mądrości2. Works E. Lindeman and B. Yeaxlee at the beginning of the twentieth century were a strong foundation for a broad understanding of lifelong learning, although she was often referred to as adult education. We considered continuing education as a learning throughout life, the broad area of ​​education. In Poland, the first to the views of B. Yeaxlee alluded I. Drozdowicz-Jurgielewiczowa (1936), in its proposals for teaching dorosłych3. In1966, Robert J. Kidd gave the work The Implications of Continuous Learning4, which states that the idea of ​​lifelong learning is manifested in centuries-minded humanists and educators, but now you see it is a period of particular interest, as well as a distinct possibility and the need for its implementation in educational practice. It includes a person's life, allowing for bigger and fuller development of the activities hitherto neglected, such as pre-school education, adult education, education, old age. The idea of ​​lifelong learning, according to the author, will integrate all forms of education and educational activities, reduces the differences between general education and vocational education, ensure the proper use of free time. At the same time thanks to lifelong learning will be increased to the appropriate social, cultural and rank the work of teachers, as those who allow others to gain knowledge and learning throughout life. Robert J. Kidd described the three different dimensions of learning, namely: education vertical, horizontal and depth. Vertical Training includes all successive stages of school _ from kindergarten through high school to higher education and postgraduate studies. Rules patency and availability guarantee implementation of this dimension afforded young people and adults, regardless of age, profession, place of residence, or other factors that hinder traditional education. Education at a level to ensure familiarity with different areas of life, science and culture, regardless of vertical studies. Elimination of the artificial barriers between different areas of life and culture enables full implementation of this dimension through its own human activity, and thanks to the extracurricular activities of educational institutions. Education in the depths is closely related to the quality of education and expressed in a rich learning motivation, self-education in skills, interests or zamiłowaniach intellectual lifestyle consistent with the idea of ​​lifelong learning and cultural use of leisure time. According to R. J. Kidd, continuing education is complete when participants exhibit activity in all described levels. Of particular note is the third plan that includes their own creative search for self-education, merging with innovation, inventions or scientific discoveries. According to the concept of R. J. Kidd Life Learning is the basic form of activity in the next continuing education adult education and adult education, which also strongly emphasizes J. Półturzycki in their publications (mentioned in this paper). In the Polish educational theory in the70s of the twentieth century a strong foundation of lifelong learning developed by professors Richard Wroczyński and Bogdan Suchodolski5. Valuable thoughts and maxims of the great humanist and pedagogue Professor Suchodolski, representing inspiration for lifelong learning in creating a more human reality, in creating a decent life, suffused with the values ​​have been published in eleven years after the death autora6. In the80s developed the theory and practice of lifelong learning and development trends indicated that koncepcji7. In1977 appeared the work of Charles Hummela8, in which the author's general approach and direction of change in education recognizes learning. In his opinion, the primary intention of continuing education is the education of a new type of man characterized by creative and dynamic attitude towards life and culture, with the skills of self improvement and better quality of life. Draws attention to the educational implications of continuing education, and above all the necessity of transition from encyclopedic knowledge on the cognitive learning. A man should learn to plan their future, realizing the plans. Should be prepared to broader self-education - learn to work and study, problem solving, creation of new values. As widely essence of lifelong learning is characterized by Ravindra H. Dave9, who emphasizes that the new conditions lifelong learning is not the same as adult education, as it is the whole of education and education including formal, informal and incidental forms of education and upbringing. For continuing education author also includes environmental education: at home, at school, in the workplace and beyond. It covers her whole life and distinguishes three components: life, education and ustawiczność. The chief goal of continuing education, according to the author, is to maintain and improve the quality of life through the development and integration of enabling them to better play a social and professional roles. The European Union established by decision of Maastricht in1993, is treated as the main assumption of continuing education educational policy, broadly understood as a lifelong process of education and training. European Union authorities have announced the year1996 as the European Year of Continuing Education was created to increase public awareness on the role of education as a lifelong personal development and participation in the democratic life of the country. In2003, Poland was prepared Lifelong Learning Strategy to the year201010, which (sorry to be ascertained) presents a definition of lifelong learning identified with the term adult education. Therefore, it is exposed only one member of the analyzed concept. The authors emphasize the importance of the Strategy is not self-education in the concept of education ustawicznej11. In2005, was prepared by the Ministry of Education and Nauki12 publication that contains the results of research and analysis of the state of education in Poland in2005. Presents the legal and organizational implementation of the concept of learning throughout life promoted by the European Union. On the pages of magazines teaching can come in for criticism this study. The mainstream criticism of traditional education, focused on education in human ability to adapt to the existing social situation, while strengthening the existing social order, continuing education is ejected as an alternative progressive approach that can overcome the weakness of traditional education, noting the individuality and creative capabilities of students , affording them the opportunity to more easily express their feelings, understanding and appreciation of health issues that go beyond the superficial look at the social and economic order. An example of such a broad interpretation of the recognition of continuing education can be a work edited by P. Lengranda13, in which many authors emphasize that the central figure is a man of education, and the main objective of the development of all the individual's ability by providing it with the ability to learn, express themselves, develop social ties and take action.Continuing Education as an idea of ​​contemporary educational change was not - and how to show different publications, yet it is often not - equally understood in different environments pedagogicznych14. In shaping a fuller scope of this concept were intermediate stages, which sometimes mistakenly identified with the full range of meaning. Here are some interpretations of understanding of the term "continuing education":• a professional development;• for all areas of adult education (clear cut idea of ​​lifelong learning from the education of youth, education, the family and the environment);• the way the school system with vocational education, higher education and postgraduate studies, referred to as further education;• the idea of ​​covering the whole life of man and the maid of his development.The essence of lifelong learning now expressed most fully the notion that it covers the whole life and used his rozwojowi15. The fullest range of continuing education concept also includes the previously mentioned components. This broad meaning of continuing education is also a basic principle determining the direction of contemporary educational reforms including primary education, vocational and higher education, as well as professional development and education of working adults, concurrent training and education in the family and the environment. The main task of continuing education in this approach, the education of the new man, which is characterized by a creative and dynamic attitude towards life and culture. A man who can improve and change yourself, to transform the living conditions and improve them for the benefit of society. It should be implemented in the whole of human life, providing an opportunity to the full development of personality. As pointed out by J. Półturzycki such a broad understanding of lifelong learning has been adopted by UNESCO and is represented by the scholars of French, Polish, Scandinavian, and American. Taking consideration of continuing education, you should also attempt to clarify the nature of this concept, as well as related to him, such as education permanent, continuous, return with which concepts can be found in the literature. The concept of permanent education was introduced in the70s by the Council of Europe. Its roots date of this was in the French education permanente16. The Council of Europe has defined education as permanent:The flexible forms of learning; general education, vocational, cultural, social and civic competences; solid educational counseling; supporting the development of critical and creative abilities; self-directed learning using modern techniques komunikacyjnych17. The concept of education permanente accentuates the problem of formation of readiness for learning at any age, which was a novelty in relation to the recognition of UNESCO, focusing on the organizational aspect of learning throughout life. Most of the concept of permanent education and lifelong learning are used interchangeably. The Council of Europe pointed to several important elements making up a sort of permanent education model: a system of flexible units of study; a wide range of vocational education, general education, civic, social, and cultural; continuous educational counseling; self-directed learning using modern technologii18. Re-education, return, re (recurrent education) is considered to be the strategy of continuing education and is derived from the belief that people have the right to return to learning throughout their lives. Proponent of this idea was, inter alia, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development OECD, which issued on education re several reports in the70s in the publication of the1973 OECD posted the following definition:Education is the overall strategy of re-education teaching poobowiązkowej and powstępnej, whose main characteristic is the dissemination of education throughout the life of the individual in the way of returning to learning, ie, alternating with other activities: work, leisure, emeryturą19. The essence of continuous education (continuing education) is, however, continuing education units by allowing it to take further training or in-service, in such a direction, in order to meet the growing or new requirements that are its stawiane20. Based on the analysis of the above terms, please note that continuing education is the broadest concept, it is used in a more general sense than the terms discussed above.Lifelong learning refers to the use of all educational programs offered by various institutions and organizations, including education sponsored by companies, churches, political parties, trade unions and other education institutions dalszej21. As pointed out by PJ Sutton, continuing education is open to different interpretations, often understanding of this concept depends on the perspective of philosophical or political individual's or organization. Although it is possible to isolate some elements in common recognition of this concept, namely: • The desire for universal access to education, including its range of children and adults who currently have a difficult time learning opportunities;• recognize the importance of positioning education beyond formal institutions;• a variety of learning materials;• supporting and shaping students' personal characteristics useful in the process of continuous learning, motivation, and ability necessary to make self-education. Incorporating the concept of lifelong learning education is to enable each unit to further develop their physical, mental, emotional and intellectual potencjału22.A. Hassan in his article published in the Encyclopedia of the continuing education stated that the understanding of the concept of lifelong learning continues to grow and is open to emerging interpretations. By, as P.J. Sutton singled common to many shots of lifelong learning: • a strong belief in the real - as opposed to instrumental - the value of education and learning;• common desire regarding universal access to educational opportunities, regardless of age, gender or professional status;• recognition of the validity of informal education to take place in a variety of situations: outside of school, informally in the workplace, through contacts, watching TV, playing and having fun, and by any other form of business ludzkiej23.In addition, A. Hassan emphasized that the concept of lifelong education emphasizes the principle of learning how to learn (learning to learn), and the emphasis is on the development of personal qualities that may prove useful in future studies, including the motivation to training and capacity samokierowanego independent learning.From the assumptions of the concept of lifelong learning that a shift of responsibility for organizing forms and learning situation with state authorities for learners and employers. You can see that clearly increases the importance of individual learning and its advantage over collective learning. Globalization access to information introduces new forms of learning that does not require an organized place and a certain time. Classroom organization ceases to be necessary. In its place more boldly enters the opportunity to personally choose the time in which we are looking for information, a place where we undertake educational activities, and most importantly - there is the possibility of self-determination of useful information. This requires the learner's active attitude, ability to reach the information, skills, their evaluation, selection and active perception, which gives him the chance to independently plan their lives according to the preferred values. Therefore outlines a new phenomenon, called detradycjonalizacją, which means that the distant sources of information can have a much greater impact on our behavior than those traditionally associated with-regional or lokalnością24. From the assumptions of the concept of lifelong education, broadly understood, that the process of self-education is the basis for lifelong learning and their own rozwoju25. The consequence of the above assumptions, the concept is the need for the acquisition of learning skills, learning methods and learning techniques, as well as the skills of their use. It becomes the continuous development of skills necessary to man in today's reality, which include: communication, teamwork, ability to make decisions and take responsibility for the results of their work. An important issue for self-education is the motivation to learn. It seems obvious that the new economic conditions, the organization of the labor market, the possibilities and requirements of globalization and integration of the countries in the European Union, as well as scientific and technical progress should provide sufficient arguments for young people to step up its efforts autoedukacyjnych to become full citizens of the learning society . Observation of reality, however, argues that too many young people are not able to take appropriate efforts autoedukacyjnych or no to that desire. The reasons for this may be due to many factors, such as the neglect of social or family problems of various kinds. However, it seems that too little is involvement of schools in promoting an awareness of the needs and requirements of the modern world and the opportunities offered by the continuing education and the Life Learning mainstream. You can cite a pattern, relationship lessons learned from the school of continuing learning throughout their lives. It can be assumed that the experience of positive staining learned from school will motivate young people to take self-education in their lives. In contrast, when the school experience is not positive, it is difficult to count, and that learning will be the content of a young man's life and a source of his satisfaction, and even more to convince him.Important learning competence arising from the idea of ​​lifelong learning are a sense of agency and subjective belief in directing your life. They consist of: active attitude, willingness to change, the ability to take initiative and inner conviction of personal involvement in directing their own lives and seek the most appropriate opportunities and solutions.Developing competencies useful in his lifelong learning, self-education should take place in the school. This task can meet the school where there will be changes respecting the principle of lifelong learning. So conceived continuing education sets specific opportunities and requirements for development of educational activities. The educational system in terms of continuing education should be limited to a minimum any formal barriers and boundaries. Between the various stages of education should occur connectivity through the school building, direct meetings of students, as well as communication of program content, textbooks, methods, teaching aids. Yes, that one was preparing the next stage of education, and this further. Another consequence of the education system, resulting from the assumptions of continuing education is its openness. Openness understood in three areas: • the availability of different levels of education;• as a trait of kindness and protectiveness towards making science;• an openness and willingness to cooperate with all other social institutions and educational institutions that educate and raise in the form of school education, parallel or by the impact of mass komunikacji26.Other consequences are necessary, changes in the teleology of the education system. The aims and objectives of the educational system must be much more emphasis to: • Wake learning motivation,• triggering the desire and willingness to continue learning,• developing the ability to generate interests and passions,• develop skills of independent learning, with proper self-monitoring and evaluation of their work by learners.The objectives of the training should include arousing the need for further lifelong learning, striving to systematically explore himself and the surrounding world in various spheres. The educational process should aim to convince the participants about their own responsibility for their progress and results of education. Teaching and educational work should lead to the design of efficient learning skills, but also the understanding of this process, the initiating, enhancing and support monitoring. To achieve these goals should be appropriate methods and measures that take contemporary pedagogy of active learning and contemporary practice of self-education. The student (student) should understand the importance and functioning of the knowledge that he knows, and be able to draw content from the environment for personal development, to its diverse activities led to active participation in the surrounding social and cultural life. These goals and objectives of the learning process require the adoption and use of different methods and teaching aids. Methods of feeding should be limited, and to develop methods independent investigation into knowledge, valorisation and practical. Each of these methods, and each method of learning should be known to the participants, as they should be known and practiced different mental operations to facilitate learning. Train the skills required to organize and conduct their own learning, their own self-education. An important skill that requires practice to control the progress and effects of the process of self-education. In summary, the development of the idea of ​​lifelong learning designates certain implications for education and self-education. First, the assumptions of the concept of lifelong education _ understood as lifelong learning, undertaken by people of all ages, taking place in different places, whose chief aim is to multilateral development of the personality, that in addition to other basic components takes place Life Learning. Secondly, education is needed to change, and above all in the direction to inspire and create the conditions for self-education by making its participants and graduates.

Mostafa Amin
by Mostafa Amin , Webmaster , Self Employed

it is a good piece or addition but not the all or big piece 

As Saleh
by As Saleh , Recruitment Manager , Saudi House Recruitment

Yes experiment check what is required, but do you realize development and human development so there must be some kind of training and human development for the many benefits, including an increase in profits and reduce costs

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