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Will you accept a position in a company where your wife is the director of the department?will that cause conflict?will it affect your relationship ?

Question added by amer jayyousi , Business Development Consultant , freelance
Date Posted: 2014/06/11
zafar abbas minhas
by zafar abbas minhas , Freelance Writer , DAILY MASHRAQ


Nasir Hussain
by Nasir Hussain , Sales And Marketing Manager , Pakistan Pharmaceutical Products Pvt. Ltd.

Good Day!!!

Its difficult to accept wife as your director at job as she is already has a good control over family decisions. But if it is a company's policy, and if she can offer a better opportunity & package, i can join her. Rest i will handle tactfully.

Haseeb Khalid
by Haseeb Khalid , Sales and Promotion Manager. , Medi Urge

Theoretically yes but practically no . because anything on job can create problem in your real life. its good to keep some secrets about your way of doing job.

Mohamad Faizal Abdul Sani
by Mohamad Faizal Abdul Sani , Senior Manager, Compliance Governance , RHB Banking Group

It will not be a problem for me, but there are the issues of3rd party perspective. You worked hard and get promoted only then to be accused of nepostism because your wife is the director. Maybe it will worked best when the partners are equal in position or status.

Hany Sewilam Abdel Hamid
by Hany Sewilam Abdel Hamid , Director of Sales and Marketing , Creative Sense

Dear Amer,


If you're talking about that case in the Arab world, of course,is not right to work in a company where your wife is the director of the department your working in.


Because we are here (Emotional Peoples), we will never be able to distinguish or differentiate between working relationships and personal relationships.


It's all about (Human behaviors).





Hany Sewilam AbdelHamid

Head of Business Development & Operations

Entrepreneurship Coach & Consultant             



- /Orkanza

- /HanySewilam

Well, it has both asspects. It would be very challaning for me to prove more and work hard if my wife is one of the director of the company as she will also has some undue pressure if she does and does not interfare  directly or indirectly to my work, evaluation and review etc etc.

Menerva Melad
by Menerva Melad , Account Executive, Key Accounts , Graphic Home Company

It will not be a problem for me

Ahmed Fathy
by Ahmed Fathy , Business Development Director - MBA - PMP - EBRD International advisor , International Casting & Modern Industries


by IRPHAN GHANI , Senior Management , A

It can be accepted without arising the questions you have raised.

Mohammad Tohamy Hussein Hussein
by Mohammad Tohamy Hussein Hussein , Chief Executive Officer & ERP Architect , Egyptian Software Group

Yes, I will. I don't see that it will cause conflict and I expect it to affect the relationship positively.

Mohammed Thiab
by Mohammed Thiab , Founder / Chief Consultant , MV Consulting

In many companies, there would be an HR policy that will not allow the husband and wife , or parent and son to be in the same department where one would be reporting to the other !!


And I agree with the philosophy behind this policy !!  

It is better not to sleep in the graveyard in order not to see nightmares !!

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