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Mariam Eid's image
Question added by Mariam Eid Marketing and Communications Manager Executive Solutions
8 years ago
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Pradeep Sharma's image  
Answer added by  Pradeep Sharma, English Language Training Instructor, King Abdul Aziz University, Jeddah (KSA)
8 years ago

Literature (creative literature) is primarily meant to entertain, so, aesthetic quality is the soul of literature. The other issues - the message conveyed through it - ar ... See More

Janet Hand's image  
Answer added by  Janet Hand, Academic manager and teacher, Kuwait Cultural Office London
6 years ago

Aesthetics is the qualitative impact of the object in question. It is what makes the heart beat the voice sing

Ivan Carmody's image  
Answer added by  Ivan Carmody, Designer, abbottabad
6 years ago

Aesthetics is the science of beauty. It governs all the arts. Aesthetics in literature has to do more with the beauty of expression of ideas and thoughts that are in writ ... See More

benjamin rodriguez's image  
Answer added by  benjamin rodriguez, Associate Clinical Professor, University of Texas
7 years ago

Quality of aesthetic literature is very important. The most credible articles are those by peer reviewed journals. Many published articles are little more than self-promo ... See More

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Answer added by  Deleted user
7 years ago

Image and experience is everthing in today's world,be it literature or selling a can of coke. One could be well versed in literature and the arts but fall short beca ... See More