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Khawla Alshati's image
Question added by Khawla Alshati
10 years ago

Will parents education effect the students' learning progress?‎

education progress is our aim show how can English teachers can help.‎

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Somanath.C.P Somanath Chemminikkara Pacheeri's image
Question added by Somanath.C.P Somanath Chemminikkara Pacheeri Manager Grand Hyundai
10 years ago
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Fouzia  Mahihenni's image
Question added by Fouzia Mahihenni Head teacher of English Lycée Kerzazi boukadir
3 years ago
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Answer added by  Myrarica Africa
1 year ago

Of course. Parents should help, it is a big contriution for teachers, to handle their kids to learn and grow.

Ludmilla Wikkeling-Scott's image  
Answer added by  Ludmilla Wikkeling-Scott, Asst. Professor, Zayed University
9 years ago

Yes, however, we have to distinguish between academic education versus awareness education. In my studies I described: "Parents are considered primary caregivers (Mo ... See More

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Answer added by  Deleted user
6 years ago

To my opinion, parents' education greatly impacts on chidlren learning process. All classes are very limited in time and in some groups teacher have no enough time t ... See More

Arivalagan PVP's image  
Answer added by  Arivalagan PVP, Teacher, Iken Child Skill Development Center
7 years ago

Never, lot of examples we can analyze. Our past president APJ.Abdul kalam a perfect example for this. Only the learner's interest alone can affect the learning progr ... See More

Abdallah Essakhi's image  
Answer added by  Abdallah Essakhi
8 years ago

réussir à dépasser les limites et atteindre mon rêve

Sabahat Usman's image  
Answer added by  Sabahat Usman, Member of Advisory Review Board, Asian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
9 years ago

Yes educated parents positively effect the children academic performces. In my studies ( Usman,2012) it is clearly founded that with some social , academics 'econ ... See More

BashirAhamd BASHIR's image  
Answer added by  BashirAhamd BASHIR, teacher, EDUCATION
9 years ago

educated  parents always worried about  their children progress, they checkout it  in routine, they never compromise on the growth and development of their kids, they tak ... See More