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Nicu Mailinator's image
Question added by Nicu Mailinator Programmer E&M
8 years ago
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Fazlul Hoque's image  
Answer added by  Fazlul Hoque, Assistant Director, DoF,GoB
10 years ago

Product packaging ensures that products are safe when they are shipped to consumers and stores, as well as when they sit on store shelves. It's important to marketer ... See More

Fazlul Hoque's image  
Answer added by  Fazlul Hoque, Assistant Director, DoF,GoB
10 years ago

There are so many products are in the market. Local quality materials, branded materials, and also those who come up to the international level by the quality/advertiseme ... See More

Jayson Aglubat's image  
Answer added by  Jayson Aglubat, Graphic Designer/Information Technology, Local Government
10 years ago

The designs and branding and the details of product input on package

Shahzad Khan's image  
Answer added by  Shahzad Khan, Deputy Manager - Human Resources, The Searle Company Limited
10 years ago

I think to promote any brand either it is related to FMCG or a pharaceuticals brands, its presentation play an important role and companies review it very throughly. If a ... See More