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  • Tayyiba Tariq
  • Arfa Anwar
    • Arfa Anwar

      Montessori teacher

      Army Public School

      Pakistan - Pabbi

  • Khadija  Bangash
    • Khadija Bangash

      Child psychologist, behavioural therapist and counselor

      Rapid healing medical services


    • Naji

      Saudi Arabia - Jeddah

  • nayla osman ali Ali
    • nayla osman ali Ali

      استشاري علاج نفسي

      مستشفي كسلا التعليمي_ السودان

      Saudi Arabia - Mecca

  • Walid Kholif
    • Walid Kholif

      Clinical Psychology

      Renaissance Mansourieh Association

      Egypt - Cairo

  • Samantha Tepaurel