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Bashir KATAJJA's image
Question added by Bashir KATAJJA Safety Engineer Denholm Yam Contracting Company LLC
7 years ago
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priti jha's image
Question added by priti jha
7 years ago
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Inamulla khan's image  
Answer added by  Inamulla khan, Insurance Admin, Capita India Pvt Ltd
6 years ago

Providing funds obtained from legitimate sources or criminal sources for any sort of terrorist activity can be described as Terrorist Financing.   Those activitives which ... See More

Muhammad Saeed Iqbal's image  
Answer added by  Muhammad Saeed Iqbal, Head, Head Office
6 years ago

Terrorist financing is financing of specific terrorist/s where terrosim financing the financing of activities which terrorist intend to undergo.In both the cases it is ve ... See More

Hanna Frangi's image  
Answer added by  Hanna Frangi, Head Of Operations, Banque SBA
6 years ago

Both refer to the same thing. Terrorist financing is process of financing a specific terrorist, while terrorism financing is the process of financing terrorism in general ... See More

Default profile image  
Answer added by  Deleted user
6 years ago

Terrorism Financing is much broader in its Application where the financial system is used to transer both illegal and legal money to fund global terrorist activities that ... See More

Tarek Al-Issawi's image  
Answer added by  Tarek Al-Issawi, Media Officer, New South Wales Police Force
6 years ago

Terrorism is the collective act of violence aimed at terrorising people through intimidation, fear of initimidation, violence and fear of violence. Terrorism financing is ... See More