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Mehboob Ali Laghari's image
Question added by Mehboob Ali Laghari Social Mobilization Team Incharge TRDP-European Union
9 years ago

What is the difference between "Add-ons and Plug-Ins"?‎

Most of the time we happen to see these words while surfing the internet, can you just differentiate between these two words and their functionality.‎

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Laith Siryani's image  
Answer added by  Laith Siryani, Software Engineer, SimLab-Soft
6 years ago

The best advice I can give you is to find a template plugin for Qt Creator ( which is by the way entirely composed of plugins ) by visiting ... See More

Aleksei Suev's image  
Answer added by  Aleksei Suev, System Administrator, Data Center DataSpace Partners LLC
8 years ago

For intstalling plug-ins for QtCreator You have to decompression archive of plug-in to folder /home/username/Qt4.8.0/Tools/QtCreator/lib/qtcreator/plugins.

Kanan Solomon's image  
Answer added by  Kanan Solomon, Procurement & Logistics and Sales coordinator , N/A
9 years ago

  Add-ons, can improve your experience on a website by providing multimedia or interactive content. Plugins are generally installed by other applications you have install ... See More

yassin REZEG's image  
Answer added by  yassin REZEG, Land Surveyor
10 years ago

If a person is holder of the property acquisition and ongoing phenomenon and more than 15 years and is the first owner of the property by force of law.