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  • Radha Mohan
    • Radha Mohan

      Expert service engineer

      Nokia solutions and network

      India - Chennai

  • Lea Ayazri
    • Lea Ayazri

      Case Social Worker

      Makhzoumi Foundation

      Lebanon - Baabda

  • Mohamed Mostafa Mostafa
  • مختار  الحمداني
  • Murat Kaldybayev
  • Moustafa Hamdy Mahmoud Gomaa
  • Abia  Ashfaq
    • Abia Ashfaq

      Assistant Case Manager and language instructor

      Inspiring Education Pakistan

      Pakistan - Islamabad

  • Ro'ya AbuAqoula
    • Ro'ya AbuAqoula

      Child Protection Assistant

      International Catholic Migration Commission

      Jordan - Irbid

    • Hani

      Kuwait - Al Ahmadi