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Eman  Ahmed Abdelbasset's image  
Answer added by  Eman Ahmed Abdelbasset, معلم خبير تربية خاصة , مدارس التربية الخاصة ومتعدد الاعاقة
2 hours ago

قد يكون كل شخص له رؤيته الخاصة فى العاملين بهييئته.  فالأمر نسبى يعتمد على أسباب متعددة. قد يدركها جيدا صاحب العمل أو المسئولين  ... See More

Bezabih Beyene Ayanto's image  
Answer added by  Bezabih Beyene Ayanto, English Teacher, Our Own English High School - UAE
9 hours ago

Not at all. Everybody in our organization treated equally, and they treated based on their education level.

Soroush Vahid's image  
Answer added by  Soroush Vahid, Lecturer, Islamic Azad University
11 hours ago

Yes, unfortunetly our company has different salary structures for different nationalities, even if they are in the same position.

Default profile image  
Answer added by  Mohammed Saleh , مدير تنفيذي, الهيئة القومية لمياه الشرب و الصرف الصحي
20 hours ago

لا لم نلحظ ذلك فهياكل الروات تمنح حسب الترقي الوظيفي فالبقاء للأكثر كفاءة و فاعلية في مؤسسة العمل  ... See More

Answer added by  JEAN MICHEL NDRIAFARA, Agent De Sécurité, SECURPRO
21 hours ago

Actuellement, dans mon entreprise, les salaires ne sont pas basés sur les nationalités, mais si une entreprise applique ces méthodes, cela pourrait être son propre point ... See More

Answer added by  ZAJEER SULAIMA LEBBE, Buyer & System Operator, Samsung Engineering Co. LTD Branch
23 hours ago

Yes of Course Salary will be different base on their knowledge and experiance 

Omar Ahmad's image  
Answer added by  Omar Ahmad, Web And Graphic Designer, Bytes It Centre
1 day ago

Our company is locally based in Sargodha therefore there is no different nationalities working here.

EBRAHIM Abdoh Mohammed Alsebaeai's image  
Answer added by  EBRAHIM Abdoh Mohammed Alsebaeai, Logistic Officer, Arabia human right's Foundation
1 day ago

No there wasn't    Currently in my company the salaries are not based on nationalities but if a company apply this methods it could be their own perspective.