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2. What would you recommend if you have to recommend a computer for a person that does some power point, youtube and email feauters?
2. What would you recommend if you have to recommend a computer for a person that does some power point, youtube and email feauters?
As an electrical technician with the IET in the UK I wanted to know how it is working in the gulf and if anyone of a similar working background has gone over to work in t ... See More
non experienced candidate with excellent communication skills and a spirit to success + looking forward to take his first experience. experienced candidate with not go ... See More
How did AI make your day-to-day tasks easier?
AI has emerged as a powerful tool for improving matching processes in various domains such as e-commerce, entertainment, education and health care. AI can leverage large ... See More
اذا كنت تعمل لدى احدى الجهات و فجأة تاخرت الرواتب لفترة مع استمرار العمل واعطوك منها ١٠٪ ثم بعدها فترة يتوقف العمل في هذه الجهة وتفقد مستحقاتك المالية. ... See More