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  • Sama  Sarmed
  • Abdullah Bamusa
  • adham Mohamed
    • adham Mohamed

      manger of mister EX for mobiles devices and computer

      mister-EX for mobile phones and computers

      Egypt - Mansoura

  • Zakia Shafi
    • Zakia Shafi

      Inspector Inland Revenue

      Federal Board of Revenue

      Pakistan - Lahore

  • Sherwette Sherif
    • Sherwette Sherif

      Quality assurance specialist- Elite account team leader and operations manager

      Vodafone UK , Octopus outsourcing and yalla order application

      Egypt - Hurghada

  • ahmed alsaidi
    • ahmed alsaidi

      Public Relations Officer

      Mazaya Alsharq tech cont

      United Arab Emirates - Abu Dhabi

  • Adeniji Soluade