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freddy fazbear's image
Question added by freddy fazbear
2 months ago

Treasure Hunt Gone Wrong ?‎

Hey everyone, I was on an epic Sea of Thieves adventure with my crew, but we got ambushed by a sneaky rival ship and lost all our loot! We're determined to get reven‎ ... See More

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Habriel Fring's image
Question added by Habriel Fring woba wobas
2 months ago

Treasure Hunt Gone Wrong ?‎

Hey everyone, I was on an epic Sea of Thieves adventure with my crew, but we got ambushed by a sneaky rival ship and lost all our loot! We're determined to get reven‎ ... See More

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Answer should contain a minimum of 25 characters.
freddy fazbear's image
Question added by freddy fazbear
2 months ago

Last-Minute Birthday Blooms Needed?‎

Running into a bit of a birthday emergency here! My best friend’s birthday is tomorrow, and I totally spaced on getting her a gift. I’m thinking flowers could save the da‎ ... See More

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Habriel Fring's image  
Answer added by  Habriel Fring, woba, wobas
2 months ago

Oh wow, I totally get the last-minute rush! Happened to me last year, and I was scrambling too. If you’re in Boca Raton, you should check out Naty Claire Florist They rea ... See More

Habriel Fring's image  
Answer added by  Habriel Fring, woba, wobas
2 months ago

Oh wow, I totally get the last-minute rush! Happened to me last year, and I was scrambling too. If you’re in Boca Raton, you should check out Naty Claire Florist They rea ... See More

Habriel Fring's image  
Answer added by  Habriel Fring, woba, wobas
2 months ago

Sounds like you had one heck of an adventure out there! I remember one time my crew and I were on the verge of cashing in the motherload when we got blindsided by a bunc ... See More

freddy fazbear's image  
Answer added by  freddy fazbear
2 months ago

Sounds like you had one heck of an adventure out there! I remember one time my crew and I were on the verge of cashing in the motherload when we got blindsided by a bunc ... See More