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Emad Hamdi's image
Question added by Emad Hamdi Maths Teacher Halley International schools, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
10 years ago
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Aiya Hamdan's image  
Answer added by  Aiya Hamdan, Public Relations Manager, Marj Al-Hamam Sport Center
8 years ago

"Tell me, I'll forget. Show me, I'll remember. Involve me, I'll understand"

Abbes BENAISSA's image  
Answer added by  Abbes BENAISSA, Assistant, Saad Belghazi
10 years ago

If best method to teach math for kids is the method that gives statistically the more kids that understand the higher levels so the Singapore Math seems to be the best. I ... See More

anwar hussain mohammed's image  
Answer added by  anwar hussain mohammed, assistant professor, royal institute of technalogy
8 years ago

Lets encourage students to learn and tell them always its easy , and try to to explain easy to difficult ,and explain same topic until they get good familiar with subject ... See More

lal chandra kamala's image  
Answer added by  lal chandra kamala, LECTURER, NGBV ALLAHABAD.UP
9 years ago

The best method teach the mathematics is laboratory method.