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Eman  Ahmed Abdelbasset's image  
Answer added by  Eman Ahmed Abdelbasset, معلم خبير تربية خاصة , مدارس التربية الخاصة ومتعدد الاعاقة
7 hours ago

اعطاء هذا الموظف مهمات تحتاج لمهارات قوية لتوظيف طاقاته بشكل ايجابى وتحفيزه الدائم مما يساعده على تنفيس هذه الطاقة بشكل أفضل فى ادعاءات وأنشطة مفيدة تحتاج لجهد ويتحول لشخ ... See More

Saja Abdelrahman's image  
Answer added by  Saja Abdelrahman, Rf Optimization Engineer, Huawei technologies
9 hours ago

Understand the specific behaviors or actions of the employee that are causing a negative impact.I Have a private conversation with the employee to discuss your observatio ... See More

Bezabih Beyene Ayanto's image  
Answer added by  Bezabih Beyene Ayanto, English Teacher, Our Own English High School - UAE
14 hours ago

Asking politely about the problem and giving good suggestions to handle the problem.

Soroush Vahid's image  
Answer added by  Soroush Vahid, Lecturer, Islamic Azad University
16 hours ago

Hold a private meeting to understand their perspective, set clear expectations, and monitor their behavior closely with regular follow-ups.    

Mohamed Omaeer's image  
Answer added by  Mohamed Omaeer, Senior Programming Manager, Accuracy Productions
2 days ago

Managing an employee who is causing a negative stir requires a thoughtful and strategic approach to address the behavior while maintaining a positive and productive work ... See More

Answer added by  JEAN MICHEL NDRIAFARA, Agent De Sécurité, SECURPRO
1 day ago

Éviter les déclencheurs lors d'une rétroaction négative . Demander une rétroaction. Cela permet d'aider les membres de votre équipe à s'exprimer avant qu&# ... See More

Default profile image  
Answer added by  Monia Saeed
1 day ago

تجنب من هذا الشخص وفقط التحدث معه في إيطار العمل 

Answer added by  ZAJEER SULAIMA LEBBE, Buyer & System Operator, Samsung Engineering Co. LTD Branch
1 day ago

May be there is a real reason behind this action, so i have to meet him/ her alone in order to figure out the problem why? Then I must need to meet his-her co-workers, t ... See More

EBRAHIM Abdoh Mohammed Alsebaeai's image  
Answer added by  EBRAHIM Abdoh Mohammed Alsebaeai, Logistic Officer, Arabia human right's Foundation
1 day ago

Modify all bad behaviors that a person engages in in the work environment, by providing him with direct feedback on a regular basis.