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Question added by Ankita Bhojane
4 months ago
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Jemal Mahmud Alemayehu's image  
Answer added by  Jemal Mahmud Alemayehu, Rural Finance Specialist, Islamic Development Bank
10 years ago

My intension is for excahnging experience and knowldge on this regard. As you all know, the investment in agriculture is related with investment in land and natural resou ... See More

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Answer added by  JUNAIDI ALI
8 years ago

There is also a possibility of "baby boomers" generation... similar to US market post world war 2.. Big business opportunity to those companies that follow the ... See More

sufian abu hashish's image  
Answer added by  sufian abu hashish, Regional Sales Director , May Foods Company
8 years ago

I think that the decision to allow families to have two children was designed to improve the balanced development of population and to deal with an aging population

Nassima Meziant's image  
Answer added by  Nassima Meziant, استاذة في مادة العلوم الطبيعية, متوسطة الشهيد اسقونن محند بن سالم اقبو بجاية الجزائر
8 years ago

افضل طريقة لدخول هذا المجال هو الممارسة و ذلك بالحصول على تربصات على مستوى المصانع المتخصصة في صناعة المواد الغذائية اوعلى مستوى المختبرات الخاصة بالمواد الغذائية وبذلك ت ... See More

Steve Penon's image  
Answer added by  Steve Penon, Sr. Document Controller, AL Salaam Consultants, Architects, Planners & Engineers
8 years ago

Organic farming is very helful to people especially for the farmers which is one of most resourcess of food. this is one of the necessary needs in the market, farming als ... See More