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Salam Assi's image
Question added by Salam Assi Customer Service Officer Etihad Bank
8 years ago
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renjith surendran's image  
Answer added by  renjith surendran, Head Of Project Management, BELONG FOUNDATION
7 years ago

since dubai is considord as developed country,obviously the rate for a day care could be high.  

Raquel Lumia's image  
Answer added by  Raquel Lumia, Primary Therpaist, Infinity Counseling Solutions
8 years ago

There are plenty of nurseries available in Dubai, although demand for places is high and you should try to get your child's name on a nursery's list as soon as ... See More

Abeer AlSayed's image  
Answer added by  Abeer AlSayed, Senior Media Relations Officer, Jordan River Foundation
8 years ago

How are you nice to know that u are shifting in dubai are u going to work after you come to dubai. Regarding day care centers in dubai the charges of day care centers in ... See More