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Umair Khan's image
Question added by Umair Khan Web Developer Innovative Designers
7 years ago
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mohammed al shareif's image
Question added by mohammed al shareif Team Leader Beecell
10 years ago

Why does FTP and CRON job not working?‎

Hello , when i call the PHP script from browser it's working fine , but when i run it as a cron script its not working . cron script contains FTP commands as‎ ... See More

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Mohd. Mahmood Hasan Khan's image  
Answer added by  Mohd. Mahmood Hasan Khan, Technology - Consultant, Deloitte
10 years ago

Hi, Can you share your sample script that you have written and contains ftp commands in it while executing via cron job? That will help us better understand the issue.   ... See More

Manish Patel's image  
Answer added by  Manish Patel, Senior Software Architect, Impelsys Pvt Ltd
10 years ago

Best way to execute cron script is to create .sh file, set it with crontab -e.    Do not forget to..   - Restart cron service - Make sure you have +x permission set for . ... See More

Muhammad Majid Saleem's image  
Answer added by  Muhammad Majid Saleem, Senior PHP Developer / Project Manager, SwaamTech
10 years ago

If your script is running perfectly fine from web browser and not working using cron job, that means your cronjob is definitely not correctly setup.   You should confirm ... See More

Asad Ali  Khan's image  
Answer added by  Asad Ali Khan, Software Engineer, Urban Unit Lahore
6 years ago

There are a few reasons why your FTP application could be slow or frequently disconnecting. This could be due to your passive settings. You can check this by doing the fo ... See More

Sandeep -'s image  
Answer added by  Sandeep -
10 years ago

Hello Mohammed,   If you didn't  get the the answer yet try this. It will run your PHP Script from browser * * * * * wget -O- http://www.sitename.ccom/filename.php & ... See More

Asif Ali M's image  
Answer added by  Asif Ali M, Project Lead, LiquidHub
10 years ago

As Majid has already pointed out that the cron might not be set with proper syntax.   The other reason might  be user account permission. Please be aware when you run you ... See More

Atif Majid's image  
Answer added by  Atif Majid, Senior PHP Programer/Team Lead, RedApple Apartments AB
10 years ago

1) Can you connect to the target FTP server from your local machine? 2) Are the ports between your server and the target machine open for FTP communication.3) Try to run ... See More

mohammed al shareif's image  
Answer added by  mohammed al shareif, Team Leader, Beecell
10 years ago

yes sure this is my script ///------------- $ftp_server = "hidden"; $ftp_user = "hidden"; $ftp_pass = "hidden"; // $date=time()-24*60*60; $d ... See More