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shady Nagy's image
Question added by shady Nagy Senior Electrical Sales Engineer Ever Green Energy ( 3- brothers group)
8 years ago
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Ahmad Khan's image  
Answer added by  Ahmad Khan, Electrical Engineer, Qatar University
7 years ago

Any application that avoids the usage of batteries would be cost effective; since battereis are really expensive compare to other elements. The invention of grid-connecte ... See More

Fatima Qasrawi's image  
Answer added by  Fatima Qasrawi, Energy Manager / Energy Engineer, Shtayya for Sustainability
8 years ago

solar water heater is the best to secure money in short time, because many reasons one of them is the installation cost which is low comparing with other systems and the ... See More

Rohit  Nema's image  
Answer added by  Rohit Nema, Market Analyst, Verify Markets
8 years ago

On grid systems benefit customer by providing savings in terms of electricity bill. These savings provide for the payback for the initial cost of these systems. Based on ... See More