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Jad Nachar's image
Question added by Jad Nachar doctor Maasri Holstein and animal House Hospital
10 years ago
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simon aaronson's image  
Answer added by  simon aaronson, Mounted Section Officer, Road Traffic Officer, Counter Intelligence & Anti Terrorism Units, North Yorkshire Police
10 years ago

  If you find a tick on your horse and the horse appears to not be at all affected or unwell, you can pull the tick straight off. I usually twist the tick180 degrees, the ... See More

عثمان سعيد's image  
Answer added by  عثمان سعيد, Head of livestock and Economic Affairsرئيس شعبة الثروة الحيوانية و الشؤون الإقتصادية, وزارة الزراعة مديرية زراعة القنيطرة
6 years ago

ecommend spraying your horse with a pyrethrum insect repellent to cause the tick to withdraw and drop off. If it does not withdraw, spray again and leave for a few minute ... See More

AnNie KhAn's image  
Answer added by  AnNie KhAn
6 years ago

Keep there area clean ,,, as well as give them medical check up every month

meraimi oussama's image  
Answer added by  meraimi oussama, Ain defla, Centre Équestre cheikhe bouamama AIN DEFLA
6 years ago

perytroides or  organophosphoré 

Default profile image  
Answer added by  Shamelle Govender
6 years ago

This depends on the condition of the horse at the time the tick is spotted. Treatment can include tick picking. This must be executed carefully and correctly as to not le ... See More

Dr Anjum Jamil's image  
Answer added by  Dr Anjum Jamil, Farm Manager, Semen production unit
6 years ago

ivermectin injection is best. and different sparays  hypermethrin is recommended one.

Dilman Ali's image  
Answer added by  Dilman Ali
6 years ago

topical deltamethrin and spread an insecticide to it's living room

Abdalla Hassanin's image  
Answer added by  Abdalla Hassanin, Dairy Farm Manager, Dada Dairies Pvt. Ltd. Pakistan.
6 years ago

First of all we have to overcome ticks in the surrounding environment of the animal and cutting ticks life cycle by cleaning and spraying each days. for the animal it sel ... See More