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Krishna Raj Prasai's image
Question added by Krishna Raj Prasai Resource Coordinator Biratnagar
10 years ago
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omisore julius favour's image
Question added by omisore julius favour Operations,Teller Ecobank Nig Ltd
6 years ago

What are the basic for communucation skills???‎

Basically it has to do with your relationship with your client who is listerning to you.‎

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Muhammad Ahsan Javed's image  
Answer added by  Muhammad Ahsan Javed, System and Network Administrator, Lahore School of Economics
9 years ago

in OSI model Network support Layer is Network Layer  

omisore julius favour's image  
Answer added by  omisore julius favour, Operations,Teller, Ecobank Nig Ltd
6 years ago

the key note for communication is your close relationship with your student.let them know that information must be understood before action can take place.

NARAYANA S R's image  
Answer added by  NARAYANA S R, Engineer, Renovision automation services pvt limited
6 years ago

third layer of osi model is network support layer

Abdulbaset Nagi's image  
Answer added by  Abdulbaset Nagi, Network Admin, Aljeel ALjadeed
7 years ago

the 3rd layer Network layer has the IP address Header to communicate.

Ali Hussain's image  
Answer added by  Ali Hussain, Technical Lead, infinite computer solutions
7 years ago

In OSI model, layer 3 is a network layer, which is responsible for connecting to other networks

IZHAR ULLAH's image  
Answer added by  IZHAR ULLAH, Senior Network and Security engineer, NITB
7 years ago

network layer beacause network layer is a layer 3 layer which is router and router can connect differerent network with eachother.