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Dr Mohammad Asif Monga's image
Question added by Dr Mohammad Asif Monga Primary Care / Employee Health Physician MINISTRY OF DEFENCE KING FAHD MILITARY MEDICAL COMPLEX HOSPITAL
5 years ago

I am a GP,and I have vast experience of GP even with different cultures, how can I settle in Australia ? ‎

I am a GP (General Physician) Have vast experience of GP in different countries  Can Fit in different cultures and different nationalities  Now I want to settle in Aus‎ ... See More

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Obaid ur Rehman's image  
Answer added by  Obaid ur Rehman, HR Executive, Al Bahr Al Arabi Marine Engineering Services
5 years ago

Saleem Abrar covered the topic in detail. i would like to second him

saleem abrar's image  
Answer added by  saleem abrar, Recruitment Coordinator (Client Management & Recruitment), HABSONS JOBUPS LIMITED
5 years ago

You have worked in different countries measn you can settle in Australia culture with different nationalities. To settle in Australia you have do some homwork before you ... See More