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Question added by Deleted user
10 years ago

If you and I were to meet for a coffee and a "chat", what would we talk about?‎

Where would you choose as a good place to meet? Overlooking the Nile at Luxor, Hyde Park in London, the Burj in Dubai etc etc‎

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amany said's image  
Answer added by  amany said, مدرسة لغة انجليزية, مدرسة عمر بن الخطاب التجريبية للغات
10 years ago

we will meet at luxor we will talk about how  can i be agenius like you peter

فريد محمد عارف صابر's image  
Answer added by  فريد محمد عارف صابر, معلم لغة انجليزية, تدريس
10 years ago

Ithink we wouhd taik about our families ,jobs,future dreams ,memories.........etc