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Ahmad Melhem's image
Question added by Ahmad Melhem Low Current and KNX Engineer Modern Times Technical Systems -MTTS Co
8 years ago
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Rabia Begum's image
Question added by Rabia Begum Primary type M/s ICT computer Training center and M/s Rabia Health Care center.
7 years ago

Are you know about the mood of Bangladesh ?‎

I should know about required product of Bangladesh.‎

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Mohammed Khamis Alhajj Abdullah's image  
Answer added by  Mohammed Khamis Alhajj Abdullah, IT Manager, Matrix for Computer Sciences
11 months ago

No = Normal open , it's mean magnatic locK normal open NC = Normal clos ,it's mean magnatic lock normal close COM = Comman , it's mean ground connection

Jereme Dela Torre's image  
Answer added by  Jereme Dela Torre, Service Engineer, Honeywell Middle East Ltd.
8 years ago

NO - Normally Open, NC - Normally Close, Com - Common

Shijoy Kurian George's image  
Answer added by  Shijoy Kurian George, elv project engineer, Radiant Plus Installation and Maintanance LLC
8 years ago

NC- normally close NO- Normally open C- Common NO or NC connections are given according to the requirement of end user. If the system which we are connecting the relay mo ... See More

Joseph Solyman's image  
Answer added by  Joseph Solyman, Installation and maintenance Engineer, Chip International
8 years ago

Will control your relay output throw it NO: Normally open it means the circuit is open until you activate the relay to close it for a specified time then it will back to  ... See More

Default profile image  
Answer added by  Deleted user
8 years ago

NO - Normally open (In this case the device is is normally open condition when it is in idle state. and as soon as there is trigger. The circuit closes and and intrusion ... See More