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Muhammad Asghar's image
Question added by Muhammad Asghar Deputy Manager Accounts Lahore School of Economics
9 years ago
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Vipin Jagannatha Rao's image  
Answer added by  Vipin Jagannatha Rao, Senior Payroll Executive, Al Shirawi Group Of Companies
1 year ago

Defined contribution plans require or permit employees, and sometimes employers, to make contributions up to an annual limit. The actual payout in retirement depends on h ... See More

Gamal Saber Noaman Ahmed Noaman's image  
Answer added by  Gamal Saber Noaman Ahmed Noaman, 14 condominium Elebour- Salah Salem St. - Nasr City, the group United for the production of medical supplies alpha Medica
8 years ago

A defined benefit plan, most often known as a pension, is a retirement account for which your employer ponies up all the money and promises you a set payout when you reti ... See More