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Nabil El_sawy's image
Question added by Nabil El_sawy Project Manager AL-Hamal Trading and Contracting WLL
1 year ago
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Jit bahadur mahato sharada tharu's image
Question added by Jit bahadur mahato sharada tharu Dubai hotel restaurant
9 years ago
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Henry  Sagayaraj's image  
Answer added by  Henry Sagayaraj, Personal Trainer, Sparkle Wellness Eduservicess Pvt Ltd
1 month ago

  Understanding Client Needs Empathy allows trainers to truly understand each client's unique needs, goals, limitations, and personal circumstances. By putting them ... See More

Default profile image  
Answer added by  Deleted user
11 years ago

1- In correspondence to LAN I have been trained and worked on networks by Cisco institution in Jordan and USA, in the field of CCNA and CCNA Security., security+2- In rel ... See More

محمود فهمى عبدالمجيد's image  
Answer added by  محمود فهمى عبدالمجيد, مسئول امن, ارامكوالسعوديه
9 years ago

اولا المصلحه اولا واخير هيه مصلحه المكان الذى اعمل به  فيجب ان لا يكون غيرها للمصالح الشخصيه مكان داخل ايطار العمل وبالنسبه للمجال الامني لاداخل العمل ولا خارجه مع مرعات ... See More

ناجى سعيد ابو عطوة's image  
Answer added by  ناجى سعيد ابو عطوة, فنى تكييف, الصفا للتكييف بالزقازيق
9 years ago

المصالح الشخصيه يجب ان تكون خارج العمل فهذا عندما يكون بينهما علاقه محترمه وأسريه والشخصيه هى التى تحكم الانسان بالقبول أو الرفض ... See More