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imad nadir's image  
Answer added by  imad nadir, photographer and videographer, Cover Story
9 months ago

نعم لجودة الصورة تأثير على جمالية الصورة وان جودة الصورة مهم

Default profile image  
Answer added by  Deleted user
8 years ago

الخوف من الله واستشعار مراقبته  الجدية والاخلاص في العمل 

Adnan Ahmad Ali's image  
Answer added by  Adnan Ahmad Ali, Creative Executive, Nevcore Technologies International
7 years ago

 Thank you for letting me contribute in an interesting question. Well i have done photography in lot of categories.  My favourite is "Landscape". Well how lands ... See More

HebatAllah Mohammed Saad's image  
Answer added by  HebatAllah Mohammed Saad, professional photographer, photo studio
8 years ago

الاخلاص لله وحده في العمل والاستعانة بالله بالاضافة الي السعي الي التطور الدائم والبحث المستمر عن الجديد هو ما يجعلك حتما في المقدمة ... See More

هديل قمحيه's image  
Answer added by  هديل قمحيه, سكرتير مصور, no name
8 years ago

الخروج عن المألوف و إبتكار أفكار جديده  الأخلاص بالعمل و حب العمل  الرغبة الكبيرة بالتطور

Dario Aldanese's image  
Answer added by  Dario Aldanese, Studio assistant, Photo
6 years ago

Visual perception is the ability to interpret information and surroundings from the effects of visible light reaching the eye.

Alen Ajanovic's image  
Answer added by  Alen Ajanovic, 2D - 3D Motion and Graphic designer, FIST Production
6 years ago

Persolnally, Inside / outside "low light" photography is interesting because of contrasts and drama of light and shadows.

Hadeel Alharthi's image  
Answer added by  Hadeel Alharthi, Freelance Information Designer/Data Analyst, Hadeel Alharthi
6 years ago

I am a fan of street photography because it encompasses many styles of photography in one. I enjoy the roughness of it, too. It is not in a studio with a lot of rehearsed ... See More

Gamal Noursaid's image  
Answer added by  Gamal Noursaid, Journalist & Videography Reporte, الوكالة الوطنية للنشر والصور الصحفية
7 years ago

I like photography, creative and artistic, because it is an art and I like to put a special fingerprint in every picture To be distinct in my work and my passion It is no ... See More