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Hassan Hamed Khalil's image
Question added by Hassan Hamed Khalil Public Relations Officer Advanced International Employment Services
10 years ago
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Mohammad Rizwanul Haque's image  
Answer added by  Mohammad Rizwanul Haque, Administration Manager, Oren Hydrocarbons ME FZCo.
10 years ago

  It must have to check with the Govt. Authorities (Visa Issuing body) either any exception or experience is valid to obtain the required Visa, or ask to enter the employ ... See More

Nimasha Fernando's image  
Answer added by  Nimasha Fernando, Executive Secretary to the Team Leader, SMEC International Consultancy Pty Ltd.
10 years ago

Best thing is check if employee has preious work experince , if so , the next best thing would be to get referance letter from the companies he worked , with the professi ... See More

Allah Noor Tareen's image  
Answer added by  Allah Noor Tareen, One of Industry in Pakistan even in world, Habib Bank Limited
7 years ago

If the candidtate possess work experience of Operation,Business and have experience of working in pinoeer Bank and he possess good job knowledge / experience of working, ... See More