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  • Nissrine Naji
  • dina dudokh
    • dina dudokh

      Associate researcher

      Arab Urban Development Institute (AUDI)

      Jordan - Amman

  • Walid Alzuobi
    • SAFIRA Ta

      Resource person

      women and child deppartment, Minstry of kerala

      India - Kozhikode

  • Suhair Ghanayem
    • Suhair Ghanayem

      Consultant for Health Care Programs for Children with Autism and Behavioral Disorders

      Raseel Association

      United Arab Emirates

  • Marwa El houjairy
    • Marwa El houjairy

      Community Engagement Exchange Fellowfunded

      The Climate Reality Project

      Lebanon - Beirut

  • Nguyễn Việt
  • Ibraheem Al Hayek