Trending RNA isolation Discussions


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maisa ALqalqili's image
Question added by maisa ALqalqili researcher assistant Philadelphia university
9 years ago
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Avinash Belure's image
Question added by Avinash Belure Graduate Research Assistant NIPGR
3 years ago
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salaheddine المستنصير's image  
Answer added by  salaheddine المستنصير
8 years ago

To extract the RNA from a tissue or a cell suspension, it is imperative to inhibit traces of RNase. Homogenization in the Potter tube is done in a Tris-EDTA buffer in the ... See More

Bilal Alkhizzi's image  
Answer added by  Bilal Alkhizzi, Administrative Manager, Itqan Medical Center
8 years ago

The key in RNA isolation is to rapidly deactivate RNases, the enzymes that quickly degrade RNA. The problem with RNases is that they are found everywhere in living cells/ ... See More

Osama Qasem's image  
Answer added by  Osama Qasem, Chief Pharmacist, DOZ Apotek
9 years ago

Total RNA extraction from your samples cells line by using the Qiagen RNeasy Mini Kit  

Default profile image  
Answer added by  Deleted user
8 years ago

RNA extraction kit is the best and accurate way to obtain RNA with high purity as the kit is already tested for it..

Balamurugan Ganesan's image  
Answer added by  Balamurugan Ganesan, Biology / Marine science Teacher, Ministry of Education
8 years ago

By using the Northern blotting and RNAase enzyme we can extract the RNA from the sample. Because the role of RNAase enzyme is degrade the RNA.

MAHAM GHOURI's image  
Answer added by  MAHAM GHOURI
3 years ago

The most economical method of RNA purification is a Phenol/Chloroform extraction followed by ethanol precipitation.  RNA-easy cleanup kit by Qiagen is best to get Purifie ... See More

Answer added by  SAJEENA AMEER ALI, Medical Laboratory Technologist, TREETOP HOSPITAL
3 years ago

There are few methods used for the extraction of RNA which includes using magnetic beads and also spin column purification

hala abdel fatah mohamed youns's image  
Answer added by  hala abdel fatah mohamed youns, استاذ علم الحيوان والانسجة, كليات بريدة الاهلية
3 years ago

plasmid DNA purification kit ,extraction of DNA from cells , tissues and other